Art Twitter!

Posted 4 years, 7 months ago by Armota

Hi guys!! I made a twitter account for my artwork (mostly sketches) but I will talk on there about updates and such as well~

Feel free to follow me there as well <33

Content you can expect:

- 16+ SFW
- Aesthetic retweets
- Personal updates
- Fanart doodles
- General Artwork
- Maybe my cats, although i do have an insta for my cats i dont really use


Followed!! I miss seeing your work ; u;/

awee sorry i usually only post on DA! <33 followed back as well QwQ

Oh no worries! <33 I don't have as much time around here or dA as I'd like to anymore, but Twitter makes it much easier. ^^

yeee very understandable! Ill try to update there as much as possible