Major world and lore revamp

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by ElithianFox

Hey y'all! 

It's been a while, huh? I know I keep saying this, but this time around, I do feel like I wanna come back to my OCs.

Let's face it: most of them built upon 10-15 years of lore that I came up with gradually, most of which isn't all that stellar. In the past, I was too attached to let go of it, so I had to deal with obstacles and weights that slowed me down. Having spent the past three years in fandom, however, I've gotten well accustomed to just throwing everything around and changing everything I know about the world and characters.

Now feels like the ideal moment to completely revamp the world and characters. Everything. Backstories, history, profiles, details, relationships, species relations, everything. 

So I kindly request that whatever you may know about my OCs, you forget it! None of it is canon anymore until I've revised it, and since the new lore is brand new and still needs some time to simmer, I don't know how long it'll take before things are canon again in my profiles. But, that does give me some stuff I'm looking forward to!

How's it been here, you guys?


Hell yeah man! My oldest project recently got a redo and I'm much happier with it now! Admittedly it's not nearly as old as yours (it'll be 5 this year), but best of luck with your revamp! If you're ever in need of someone to bounce ideas off of 1 on 1 I'm very open to it >:)

Thank you very much, mate! Likewise, the best of luck to your endeavours as well :D Ly brainstorming's been going great yesterday, so it seems I'm on the right track for now 😌 I can't wait to showcase some more about it once the loose ideas connect!