New folders!

Posted 4 years, 3 months ago by ElithianFox

Hey y'all!

My folder headers were the first thing I coded back when I was learning how to code, so they were a bit wonky. They didn't work on mobile or on broad screens all that well and didn't look all too visually appealing.

So I've recoded them! I like the new look better and it's mobile friendly. Currently still debating whether I should add a special icon to each folder or only have Directory and the two Worlds be unique. I personally prefer that only the last three are unique, since the other folders are all displayed in full on the page but the last three ones aren't. If every folder has a unique icon, people may not even notice that the last three aren't on the full page, but like this, they stand out and people may click 'em out of sheer curiosity because they may never have seen alternate folder icons used before.

Plus, as a bonus, people may finally look into the Character Directory and the Worlds. That's always a big plus to me!

I'm probably gonna add the code for custom folder icons on Elithian. Still debating how to display it, since the specific hover style doesn't work on character profiles.



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