Purging a ton of ocs! (+ My designs)

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Carnivox

Just put a TON of characters into a trade / sale folder!
I want to focus on my mains, and decluttering will help I think!!

Designs by me are all tagged CARNIVOX
You can offer USD > Merch from this list > Designs > Artwork (picky)


Everyone else in there is up for trade as well!
I can resell some of em if the artist’s TOS allows, but other than that offer everything I mentioned above !!


how much would you value this character at? they’re so cute! https://toyhou.se/1875489.woah

Hey there!
Ahh I’d value them at around 40 - 50 !

Heya! I really adore https://toyhou.se/1875489.woah I know there's a low chance but would anyone in my th interest you for em? If not how much are they worth? :0

Hey there! <3
Ahh unfortunately I didn’t see anyone that I think I would use!
I’d be willing to sell for 40-50 though!

That's all good!!

Oooh ok cool! Cant afford rn but thank you for your time! ^^

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Oh no trouble at all! <3
A voucher is a essentially a money offer, that you would use to buy me something in return for the character!
So you would offer USD in order to purchase something to trade to me, and in return I would give you doodle!

EDIT: Also I’m messaging Dracononite rn,, I might be able to sell them outright?

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Right on! I’ll be in touch as soon as I find out! <3

Hey there!!
Awesome news, Dracononite said I can resell this guy flat out!  No need to voucher!
In terms of what I’d be looking for, I’d love to get around 500 for them, but lemme know your range! <3

Hi there! I’m very interested in https://toyhou.se/4852129.king 
This is probably a low chance but is there anyone in this folder you would be willing to trade for?

Hey there! Sorry I didn’t see anyone that I think I would use!

Heyo! I’d probably be looking for 80- 100 for the Pouflon!
and I could let Coco go for around 20? 

Hello! I’m very interested in https://toyhou.se/4188441.opal

I have this buffbears design https://toyhou.se/3686842.jamie 

I was also wondering what you mean by you “might be willing to accept partial redesign commissions / commissions in my current style”?

Hey there! Thanks for offering, but I can’t see myself using that character!

Hey there! Thanks for offering, but I can’t see myself using that character!

And the redesign/commission thing is only for my designs! I put some of my old characters up for trade/sale, so if someone wanted an image of wrath of them that was in my current style, I might be willing to do that!

Ah I see! No worries, though. Thank for looking ^^

Hi! I saw https://toyhou.se/6300381.saki I was wondering if the tag was still relevant?

If not, I have a few charas here https://toyhou.se/SlimyCassis/characters/folder:783925

I could also offer some art, the quantity would depend on what might interest you :> https://toyhou.se/12970967.commission-open/gallery

Yes I would only be looking to swap for another Sugaryu tbh!!
(Your art is super gorgeous though !!)

Thank you! I'm honored you find my art pretty ;v;

Does https://toyhou.se/1220878.puff have a price range?

you’re welcome to look around my TH, anyone tagged beloved is off limits 

Hello! Ahh I would consider offers over 100 !
I did not see anyone I would trade for them alone, tho I did love https://toyhou.se/16545598.beefcake#50529602

Would you consider art offers + beefcake? If not, what’s the lowest amount of USD you’d take + beefcake ? 

Ahhhh I’d probably want at least 90 + beefcake? I’d have to consider though!

Ah I don’t think I’d be able to do that, so sorry! Ty for looking tho <33

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EEE unfortunately I did not see anyone that I think I would use !!

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crank is super cool!! I could offer anyone in my toyhouse (will be very tent on those in the active folder, closed species and son as are the only ones full off limits!) and add on USD and art work if that'd interest you! if nothing catches your eye I could just do USD, I didnt see a worth for them so let me know what you'd be looking for!

Hey there !!
Ahh I didn’t see any characters I think I would use, but I’d be interested in USD offers!
I’m still kinda tent on them though, so I’d probably only consider offers over 100 USD!

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Hello! Ahh I’ll consider the 60 for The tiger design, but I didn’t see any characters that I think I would use!

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Just keeping you updated!
I’ve decided I’d like to get 80 for the tiger, but if no one offers that in a few days I’ll be back to accept the 60! <3

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Aww for doodle is there a chance that someone in my th interest you? 

Sorry but I didn’t see anyone I would use!

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Thanks but I didn’t see anyone I’d use! <3

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Ahhh no, they are worth Around 650, so I’d rather hold on to them 

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Sobs, I have Pokémon Black 2, but it's German :"

It's probably a stretch, but I can offer anyone here (willing to do multiples/add a redesign) for Doodle or maybe art by you? :"0

Thank for offering, but I didn’t see anyone !

Alrighty, thanks for looking! :) 

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I can trade either of those / accept voucher / merch!

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YOOO ahhh I’m allowed to voucher them!
I know they were AB for around 300 USD for Hauket a billion years ago haha,,
but feel free to offer!! <3

For a voucher I would probably be looking for around 150 I think? 

https://toyhou.se/11776446.c- - would this little guy possibly have a $ sale price ^^?

Hey there! ahhh no, I can only trade that one I think !

No problem ty for letting me know!

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HEYO,, ahh I saw a couple but I think they might be outta reach,
Would you want to maybe work out a three way trade or something though?
I’d be happy to work with you to get them back to you!

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Well truthfully, Butternut initially caught my eye, but if I’m being honest with myself, I know I would not use them!
They and sparky are so gorgeous, but I need to only focus on characters I’ll use!!

If you’re interested in working out a three way though, I can put Doodle on hold for you!
Feel free to shoot me a DM if you’re down and we can figure something out <3

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Sure thing, lemme know what you decide !

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