Talk to me abt ur interests

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by vinsmoke

im dying of sickness and i cant get out of bed + i waiting for my sister to bring me gatorade

I want you guys to write abt smth ur hyper fixated on rn and why u like it :) im also looking for new games to play and movies/tv shows to watch


sharks!!! they're just, sharks,, yknow?? i love em so much, lil sea doggos !!

they're like big dogs!! but theyre in the sea!! and they don't look like dogs at all!! but theyre still super cool !!

i love sharks!! ahh

fun shark facts!!!

 - they dont have bones (because theyre to cool for that) they are made entirely of cartilage

 - they have eyelids!! thats cool for no reason

 - the biggest shark is the whale shark which can grown up to 18 meters long (60 feet) 

 - the smallest is dwarf lantern shark which is only 16-17.5 cm long :00 theyre tiny!!

 - sharks are only responsible for 6-8 deaths per year which is really low considering dogs kill 30-50 people  year

ask me shark questions!! i love them so much

also, I hope you're feeling better :3

AHHH i love sharks!! whale sharks are so cute, theyre my favorite kind of shark 😭

give me more of those shark facts, theyre rlly interesting :D

thanks :)

My favourite species of shark is also whale shark!!

anyway, more shark facts

 - sharks are one of the oldest living species on earth currently

 - there're over 500 different species of sharks

 - only around 30 species of shark have attacked humans before

 - their skin feels like sandpaper because of little bumps called placoid scales

 - whale sharks all have unique spot patterns, like their own fingerprint

 - sharks don't have vocal cords so communicate purely by body language

 - sharks jaws aren't connected to the rest of their skull so they can dislocate them when needed 

I could give ya more if you wanted haha

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ooh, ive never heard abt that game before, whats it abt? :) it seems interesting

im feeling worse than i did before because its 4 am and i cant fall asleep haha

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ooh that sounds rlly cool! is it a visual novel? (i LOVE visual novels 😍)

i was able to sleep for about 5 hours (not good enough since im sick 💔💔), i have smth called the noro virus but gladly, since im the youngest in my family, i have it the least bad 😎(still terrible)

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ok 😍😍😍