March 28th Update

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by toonilumi

Heyo everyobdy! It's me once again!

This past month, I've finished up EVERY character link. That's right baby, links aplenty. I've also added some new characters while I was at it, as well as released the remaining Nowhere Train characters! There's a lot to look at if you're interested. I'm sure more links may appear soon, whether with new or old characters, so they aren't going anywhere.

Right now, I've been working on ribbon sets for existing characters, so that should be fun! I'm not sure how much new information will go in there (considering at the moment I've been trying to keep it spoiler free... Unless it's backstory implications.)  but it should be fun to do! I love ribbons. I've been getting most of my ribbons from the Ribbon Repository, and have been attempting to credit each individual creator, but some have since changed names or removed ribbons, so if you ever see an incorrectly credited/not credited at all ribbon please let me know who created it so I can fix it! Thank you once again for your time!


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