
ignore this if you arent looking to sell anymore, but if you are how much would these two be?

gale is $30 [ bought for $25, lowered art price down to $5 since its old art ]

autumn im not looking to sell at this time!

the nameless one i bought for $25, gecko i got in a trade, and galileo i got for $75 but has maybe a sketch or two along with an unfinished animation so maybe closer to $85

Were you interested in trades for gecko. I'd def be down to do 85 for Galileo tho :>

id accept a trade for gecko! ^^ what were you offering?

awesome! once we decide about gecko feel free to dm me your paypal so i can send an invoice (:

Yeye, I saw you favorited June and I'd be down to do a funny trade for they if you wanted
And yeye. My paypal is [email protected] <3

sent an invoice! tysm!

3 Replies

Hello there! ^^ I am wondering how much are you looking to sell Nautilus for? 

i could offer $300 for ^^ hope everything’s okay!