More questions hehe

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by gooberpaws

1) Name & prns: Oli or Soop and prns are He/They/Daze/Boop !

2) Coffee or tea?: no really either? But I do like iced coffee

3) Anime/manga, yay or nay?: Kinda? I like a few animes

4) Favorite home style/design?: overgrown

5) Music genre?: Lol no idea

6) Have any pets (or dream pets)?: I have 4 cats and 4 dogs! I want ferrets, more dogs and cats, ducks, and maybe an eel and snake :]

7) Favorite TV show(s) rn?: I don't watch TV really

8) Do you collect anything?: Not really?

9) If you could visit any place, where would it be?: Germany!! Or the UK where a friend of mine lives

10) Favorite candy?: Not a big candy person

11) What is something you want to see more of (representation wise)?: Neos and non binary people

12) Whats your favorite accessory or clothing item?: Uhhh,, hoodies

13) Favorite type of weather?: Rain!!

14) Current hyperfixation?: Always Minecraft, tho kinda going in-between scrapbooking and WCs!

15) Do you like the icing on cake/cupcakes?: Not really

16) What are some of your hobbies?: Sleeping,,

17) What is something you know too much about?: Math lol

18) Are you a school disliker?: I'm kinda 50/50

19) Favorite fruit or veggie(s)?: Apple

20) What is something you do that most people dont?: I fall down the stairs a lot


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