Been Away | Cleaning Up!

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by KnifeDad888

Hello Everyone! I hope you're all doing very well!

I've been away from Toyhouse for quite some time now, and I do apologize for all the people I've not responded to in dm's and offers on adopts. Things got kind of crazy offline, and It's been a bit too challenging managing that along with my art! I'm hoping to give my toyhouse a bit of a fresh start now that I feel a smidge more settled; I want to start posting and engaging on here again! I miss the community, and I miss drawing.

So, i'm going to be cleaning up my toyhouse a bit and start updating things. Slowly. I'm going to delete old offers that were made months ago as I believe I waited too long for them. But please feel free to comment again, I will try to be more active during the coming weeks!

Also, keep an eye out for a potential TH clearout! I won't be getting rid of a l o t of characters, But I may start rehoming designs that have been collecting dust a bit too long.

Thank you again for your patience, and I hope you all have a lovely day!



so happy to see you - hope youve been taking care of yourself! <3

Thank youuuu <3 Yes I've been doing pretty well! Very busy with work, but I'm getting through.
I hope you're doing well too!!

thats good! hopefully you enjoy what you're doing :] doing good, dealing with lots of medical stuff but also hanging in there

I am! Thank you!
And oh gosh I'm sorry to hear about the medical stuff. It can be taxing mentally, and on your wallet. I hope you're on a good track right now. Sending you many well wishes.

Welcome back! So happy to see you around again

Thank you so much! <333 I'm so happy to see yall again too. I've missed keeping up with everyone's art/characters

No need to apologize- I hope you have been doing ok Ennis!! <3 <3

I'm happy to see you coming back and I'm excited to see more of ya around! I can definitely relate to things offline being crazy so take as much time as you need. ^^

I've been doing super well! Just very very busy with work, I've been going to classes to become a dog stylist! Very fun but exhausting hahaha

I hope the crazy stuff going on in your life isn't anything bad or negative. I hope I can talk to you more/see more of your art too! <333