non-tent ocs

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by oleaspur

umm ya trying to clear out some ocs im not using atm... all of the below r non-tent but i may be picky especially with those with a higher worth!

mainly looking for one offs. will consider cb dainties/cb dainty slots, or possibly reg slots, but im not interested in reg premades, sorry! - dilnyan - cb dainty - peiiche - cb dainty - reg dainty w peiiche redesign - mig, a bit tent - nicooo, would take $200 resale - peiiche - reg dainty - peiiche, a bit tent - butchery - cb dainty, a bit tent - nicooo one off with reg dainty form - nicooo cb dainty - koidrop, a bit tent - koidrop - peiiche - chuchy07 - peiiche - reg dainty - chuchy07 kniverling

ok thats all. private offers OK!


I already know that im currently doing a pp for you but i wanted to know if interest you before I offer for onther oc! (im not going to offer usd if they do interest you since like I already said im currently doing a pp for you)

theyre super cute but i dont think id use them im afraid!! tysm though :D

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hiya!! i could definitely consider that offer for hoshi if that was of interest, but i dont think id trade for any of the other three!! im mostly looking for one-offs in terms of other things though!! or cb dainties potentially :]

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sounds good! ^___^

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im so sorry for the late reply!! if youre still interested lmk :D

2 Replies

hii i think there was another bulletin(may have been deleted?) since I can't find my comment but wanted to say my offer for Ceasar still stands! :] (this reg dainty + peiiche one off ) if ur not interested tho no worries!

Heyo c:

Does anyone here interest you for Exo or Anchor perhaps? (will be more tent) 

the only one i saw was im afraid!

Ahh I don't think I could trade him! Thank you sm for looking though <3 

Heyo! I was wondering if you were perhaps still interested in them for Exo perhaps^^
I'm currently looking to trade them since I sadly couldn't connect to them as well!

hello! I really loved havelock… offering as a trade?

theyre cute but i wouldnt use them unfortunately!!

no worries! Thanks for looking!

Do they interest you at all? (Before I offer on characters I liked lol)

really lovely design but i dont think i could place them anywhere unfortunately!!

would you take for goop if I got you them?

theyre SO cute but i dont think id use them more than goop atm im afraid!!!

how about kon then? ;)) also same for naiad, would def addon stuff for them..

edit: got the koidrop design ! would do them + everyone in my TH for naiad :) can maybe do dainty slots + the koidrop design for goop too ;)

sorry abt the late reply!! i was thinking ^___^ i dont think i would trade anyone you were interested in atm unfortunately, but thank you for the offer & your patience.. apologies again for the wait :] can I pay for this one?

for sure! if you let me know your paypal i can shoot you an invoice ^___^b

@bloxdemon is my paypal!

i need the email address for your paypal unfortunately!! it wont let me send an invoice to a username or anything like that :]

oh! Ok it’s [email protected]

invoice should be sent!! ^___^b

3 Replies

Are you looking for anything in specific for Silkie?

hmmm nothing in particular i dont think!! so feel free to offer whatever :]

For n is there a chance that someone in my eh interest you? Dd is off if not is there a chance that I can offer usd for them?

i couldnt see anyone!! but i can consider usd yeah ^___^

Oh snap how much usd then?

hmmm well cosmopolitan is worth abt $300 atm (originally $200 + $35 chibi + $38 tweened chibi (35 euro) + $15 pixel + $15 bust).. niko i dont have a set price in mind as i received him via trade (peiiche has said its ok to resell traded designs) but im more tentative with him atm anyway! so it depends rly ^__^b

Would you consider 400-500 with a payment plan by any chance or?

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Just a bump but I want to see if you’d atleast consider or not! I mean no rush but I just want to know

i would definitely accept if youd be able to do the $500 + vanitvs' $150 :] just let me know the details of the payment plan/holds etc if so! ^___^

15 Replies

for anchor, caesar, piper, exo, silkie, or repentance i have ocs here i could offer? i also have some more ocs here you could look through though some are more tentative, i can do multiples for most!

i couldnt see anyone i thought id use unfortunately!! tysm for the interest though :]

no worries, thanks for taking a look!

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unfortunately the only oc im currently interested in that i know is uft is only uft for other dainties!! and i dont think id use any of those guys unfortunately T___T youre welcome to look for a 3-way tho!

hi! is there anything in particular you’re looking for for hoshi? or is it just general trades? T_T

just general trades atm!! i dont have my heart set on anything in particular im afraid ^___^;;

no worries! in that case i can offer these fellas ^_^

you have some super cute designs but unfortunately im not sure id use any of them atm!! apologies ^___^;;

np!! could i post a threeway then? :o

of course!

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i couldnt see anyone unfortunately!! and as i received them both via trade im not sure i can resell either of em (idk abt peiiche's tos), sorry!

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if u could send the screenshot that would be awesome!! and im not sure of a minimum.. let me think abt this and get back to you ^___^

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id mayyyybe consider cb slots but id have to think abt it!! otherwise the only other oc im interested in atm is that 3-way that youve already offered on (ive heard nothing back yet, but ill lyk when i do)! :]

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they just got back to me and unfortunately werent interested !! i can for sure consider if youd be willing to do the 3 slots though ^___^ just lmk and ill probably take a day or two to think it over :]

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thank you for letting me know!! i cant take usd and i wasnt personally interested in any of the ocs you offered, but if my bf is i could still maybe accept, so ill check when theyre awake too :]

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