Rescue Family

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Shisaichi_Eibrah

Rescue Family

They  are androids with animal characteristics, mainly feline or canine,  there being some with features of birds or fish for their performance in  the air or water, and even some smaller ones special for exploration,  normally with features of rodents. 

All  of them have two or more tails, which end in a connector. They are dark  in color (black, or in some cases brown or navy blue, which blends  perfectly with black in low light), with luminous markings and designs  on their bodies, neon, red, yellow, or green. For those specifically  designed to withstand fire and high   temperatures, their markings may  be blue.

On their back they  carry a drawing, associated with some kind of computer signal, usually  power or energy, and their eyes are the same color as their markings.

They are androids with the agility of cats and the tracking abilities of canines. The most loyal companion.
Ideal for finding survivors and rescue missions.
They can track everything from scents to electromagnetic signals.

Rescue Family are made by me (Shisaichi Eibrah), if you make one, please let me know and credit me too.
I love see what you can do. ~ ♥


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