Back from hiatus ✨ (mostly)

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Weezleton

TW// animal death mention

I took a few extra days hiatus because I was just told about a childhood family’s pet passing, and I was cleaning and packing for hours everyday 😭

Lily & Sketti were old old cats (Lily was around 17 iirc) and they were loved and spoiled at my bio mom’s house; so I know they were happy through & through.

Gibbs has been adopted now so I can rest easy knowing he’s warm and safe, and we’ve finally finished packing and moving into our temp place so I can finally rest physically too.


I’m off hiatus for communication and some character stuff (like trade inquiries, questions, etc) but I am definitely still out of the ring for art! My wrist pain was bad enough after the move that I woke up with parts of my hand numb 😖

I’ll be slowly re-introducing art into my daily routine in a week or two, and will be seeing a GP about checking my wrist out since it’s been giving me trouble since December!


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