[old] looking to do art trades

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by rhyno

hey! im looking to do art trades! let me know if anyone is interested <3


Hey I’m interested! Do you need anywhere w/ art examples?

i can see your art on your profile :D id love to do a trade, is a fullbody unshaded trade fine? :)

Yeah absolutely! Would you mind doing https://toyhou.se/20972967.avery ?? Who would ya like me to draw?

yeah!! could you draw this guy? :D

Yeah, sorry for the late reply! I should have it done soon ^^

hey! i was wondering when you might be done? <3

2 Replies

i finished, let me know when you're done and ill transfer over! :D

Hey, should be done now! Lmk if there’s any mistakes


this is absolutely precious! thank you so much for doing a trade with me! ill transfer right now! :)

1 Replies

 I'd love to do one of u want ! We can do an icon trade ? :D

yeah!! i love your style!! who would you like me to draw :)

Are you able to draw cybelle (the one in ic) :0?

If not just lmk and I can swap her out !

Who would u like drawn??

absolutely! could you draw this guy?

also quick question - what species is cybelle? I'm unsure if she is humanoid or anthro :D

She's an anthro !! (Fluffy dragon to be exact) ik she looks like a humanoid so sorry abt the confusion ! :'0

Btw, do u want any specific expression or pose for yours??

no worries! and be as creative as you want :)

i finished, let me know when you're done and ill transfer over! :)

3 Replies