OC Questions (for fun!!!)

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by MikkiMoo

Stolen from Akwamer2 who stole it from Alazel who took it from tumblr (its a chain omg)


  • Have you ever picked up a habit from developing/writing one of your own characters? And if so, who and what?

-No I don’t think so

  • Who was the first OC you made?

-Oh gosh I have no idea?? I came up with a bunch of ocs when I was younger that I never drew but one specific one I remember was a night fury oc named StarStrike. Im not going into details (its embarrassing) But the oldest one I still use is Spikeon

  • What inspired you to make a certain character?

-I have so many inspirations 😭 music for sure helps me come up with plots and everything, but Pinterest helps me so so much when it comes to actually designing them

  • How did you find the name for a certain character?

-Quercus is Oak in Latin! (But his pronunciation is different from Latin because I say so) As for other characters, I either randomly come up with them or google names that mean certain words. Or run words through google translate till I find a cool one. Like Lehu means ash in Hawaiian! 

  • Do you have any voice claims for your OCs? 

-Oh I wish. I don’t imagine voices when read usually but on the rare times I do it’s great. Apparently some people do that naturally? I’m 100% envious of you guys if you do because I WISH I could do that 😭 

  • Are there any other preexisting characters that inspired an OC? 

-Well I mean I have Pokémon and Wings of Fire OCs so do they count?

  • What things in real life make you think of an OC? 

-A lot of my characters are forest-based so probably forests! But sometimes there are particular things I see that remind me of an OC, its kinda random though

  • Is there a certain song or playlist of songs you have that make you think of an OC/your story for them?

-YES Quercus has a playlist and Anala has one in the works! I won’t link them here but if anyone’s interested I wouldn’t be against giving the link out privately 

  • What is one of your character's theme songs?

-Theme song is hard. But A Sadness Runs Through Him by the Hoosiers inspired Quercus’s whole story

  • Do any of your OCs contain any symbolism in themselves/their story?

-Not at the moment but I’m starting to get more interested with that. I’m trying to figure out how to relate Quercus to a songbird and atm so we will see how that goes!

  • Which character has been through the most design changes?

-None of my characters have exceeded more than 1 redesign, but I feel like Peak has changed the most? (The oldest art of him isnt public so you wouldn’t be able to tell)

  • Which OC is most likely to kill somebody?

-Pareo. He doesn’t have a proper design yet but he’s…Yeah. And yes, he would be more willing to kill then Lydia who’s job is literally killing people 

  • Which OC do you make art/media with the most?

-Quercus. And he still doesn’t have a toyhouse profile or proper design! I just scribble him a lot and think about his story too much,

  • Which OC/s do you relate to the most?

-No idea and I don’t feel like overthinking this

  • Which OC/s make you think of yourself the most?

-My sona! She’s literally me. Except crazier 

  • Do you have a written story including your ocs? If so do you think you'll ever publish it?

-I have so. Many. Snippets. I have piles and piles of unfinished writing and ideas and it’s honestly a mess. I don’t ever plan on really publishing anything I think. I prefer them being more personal. However I love sharing my stuff with my friends if you prompt me so if you’re curious feel free to ask 

  • Who is your favorite OC?

-How could I even pick one? (Quercus)

  • Who is your least favorite OC? 

-no such thing 

  • Who is your most recent OC?

- Loki! He’s a random design I made I fell in love with and now I’ve been having quite a time thinking about him…(He’s not a great person) 

  • Do any of your OCs have pets? What kind? NAME?

-No and the thought has never occurred to me before so I might need to do that now 

  • What is one of your character's biggest fears?

-Anala is afraid of letting people down (In a simple sense…and also being afraid her friends will be killed)

  • Do your friends and family know about your OCs/story? How much?

-My pal RixelSixel knows the most out of anyone…with my other friends I don’t tell a bunch of lore though. (mostly since it needs work) But my family knows a bit. My parents have heard some but I doubt they actually remember anything. My brother though knows quite a bit also 

  • Have you ever seen something/someone that looks like one of your characters IRL? What was it like?

-No and I don’t know what I’d do

  • Are there any preexisting characters that your OC gets compared too a lot?

-Ok so my brother kept relating Toby to spider-man because his name is Toby like the actor Tobey Maguire

  • Are there any two characters that are like a dynamic duo/group?

-TONS but one example is Storm and Peak, they’re siblings!

  • What's your favorite relationship/dynamic between a set of OCs?

-This is hard but either my main group of 5 for my story or like anyone else…I love my character relationships 

  • What's the nicest thing someone has ever said about an OC/OCs?

-I don’t have anything specifically? But whenever people are genuinely interested and ask questions/make theories I get so excited. Like insanely excited it makes me SO HAPPY

  • What's the meanest thing someone has ever said about an OC/OCs?

-Uhhh….idk they only ever get jokingly insulted 

  • Do any of your OCs have AU designs/stories? 

-Do they? DO THEY??? Yes. :) Nothing is on Toyhouse but the amount of random Au’s I’ve come up with in my head are insane. I have so many docs of random oc crossovers I’ve written and even a whole set of lore for Spikeon and Bolteon that isn’t technically canon

  • Which OC has been the hardest to develop/design so far?

-My two nameless dudes from world 1 that are main characters!!! Thankfully I figured out some ending stuff that happens to them so it’s progressing better now. But besides them I also have the entire prologue that’s been hard. Pareo specifically has been a challenge because he’s so…..let’s say….versatile. Its hard to contain him 

  • Which OC do you wish you had more art of? (Recieved, making yourself, etc.)

-Lucas, I love him SO SO MUCH but I struggle with bipedal anatomy

  • What's been the most ambitious project you've made/are making surrounding your characters?

-HAH…probably the sheer amount of stories I have, also fully developing world 1. That one is so crazy complex I’ve been working on it for over 2 years and it still have major gaps/plot holes

  • Have you ever had to kill off an OC? How hard was it?

-Yes. And not hard because he gets to become a spooky ghost and bother Quercus. No you don’t get to know who it is

  • What scene that you've written/imagined is your favorite?

-The scene Anala gets turned into her other form. It’s the scene that really changed the entire story of that world tbh

  • Which OC would beat you up if they met you IRL?

-Quite a few…but a couple would be…Quercus, for sure (he’d hate me for everything I’ve done to him) and Loki would just because he thinks it’s funny 

  • Which OC would probably be your friend if they met you IRL?

-Anchor would be everyone’s friend he’s such a sweetie 

  • On a scale from 1-10 how angsty are your OCs?

-It varies? Like seriously a 0-10 scale. You can find one of any kind over here!

  • Do you like telling random people about your characters, or is it a more private thing?

-Depends? It’s a mood thing for sure. There was one time I dumped an entire character’s lore on a random person I knew for like a month and never talked to after and then other times I feel embarrassed and rude for wasting someone’s time with my ocs 

  • What's your favorite part to draw on a certain character?

-Crypt’s head and how long he is

  • What's your least favorite part to draw on a certain character?

-Clothes….hair…..bipedal anatomy…that stuff


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