
Posted 4 years, 4 months ago by hitodama


My commissions are open most of the time, so feel free to send inquiries about them either through Toyhou.se's PM system, other social media sites (links to my accounts are on my profile) or e-mail (hitodama89 at gmail dot com). I draw mainly cartoony real-life animals (especially canines, small felines and rodents) and fantasy animals (dragons, Pokémon, feral closed species) but can also draw humans, humanoids and anthros if necessary. On the other hand I'm not your artist if you are looking for realism, extremely detailed pieces or art that's focusing on technology or architecture.

The process of ordering a commission from me goes like this:
  • You send me a message telling me what sort of commission you are interested in. What character you'd like me to draw, what sort of piece you are interested in, what price range you have in mind; things like that. Please be aware of that I require at least one reference image of the creature you want me to draw! Usually that's some sort of art piece (can be a sketch or a stick figure drawn with MS Paint as long as all the necessary info is there), a screenshot (if it's an "official" character from some series) or a photo (if it's about your real-life pet).
  • I either confirm or deny the request and possibly ask for additional info. I only deny it if I have some reason why I can't complete it (you are asking for a realistic oil painting, my computer is busted, you don't have a reference image) or if the request makes me truly uncomfortable (hateful art, some weirder NSFW topics; "average" gore and sexy times are fine [if you are over 18!], although I don't have much experience in either).
  • When we have agreed on the details, you either pay the full price of the commission (small and fast art, pieces that need to be completed quickly) or pay only for the sketch phase (more elaborate art, situations where you want to make sure you will be satisfied with the way I draw the character or the scene) . The price will be paid through Ko-fi or if you live in Finland, through bank transfer. (I can also sometimes accept FR gems or dA points, especially for smaller commissions.)
  • (If you already paid the full price, you'll skip this step.) I'll sketch the commissioned piece and show it to you. If you are satisfied with it you'll pay the rest of the price and I'll start drawing the rest of the art piece! If you want some minor edits made to it (changing the expression, slightly altering the pose, cropping the image differently, moving objects around) I'll do it for free. Also if I've drawn something in your character wrong either because of a mistake or misinterpretation, I'll fix it for free. Only if you want me to change most of the sketch or draw it again from scratch you'll have to pay for it. Or in case you are completely dissatisfied with my work and want to cancel the process at this point, you are free to do that without paying anything else than what you already paid for the sketch. I only ask that you let me know of the situation instead of just vanishing without a word!
  • After I've received the full payment I'll finish the piece, and when it's ready I'll send it to you. If you are satisfied with it, the process is finished! If you notice some clear mistakes or want some other tiny alterations made for the piece (make the character smile instead of being serious, change the color of the eyes, add a small scar) I will do it for free. A small payment will be required for bigger alterations or if you for example want me to "upgrade" the piece from black-and-white line art to fully colored piece.
  • Unless otherwise specified, you are free to upload the commissioned art to your online galleries with proper credit, you can crop an avatar from it for yourself or even make a print or a mug from it for personal use. Just DO NOT claim you made the art, try to sell it forward, use it commercially or turn it into an NFT! (If the art depicts a character that you sell/trade to someone else, it's okay to let them have the commissioned art, too; I'm only asking that you won't sell my commission on its own like it was an adoptable.) As the artist I also retain the right to showcase the commissions in my own galleries. If you as a commissioner want to stay anonymous and not have your (user)name mentioned online, please tell me about it as early in the process as possible!
The payment of my commissions is determined by how much time the drawing process takes. 15 minutes is worth 3 € and therefore 1 hour is worth 12 €.  The usual max amount of commissions (whether it's several small pieces or one big) I'm comfortable taking at a time is 3 h or 36 €. The minimum amount is 15 min/3 €. Exceptions that go under or over of the limits are negotiated on case-by-case basis.

There are mainly 4 factors that affect the amount of time needed: the amount of details in the character's design (very simple, simple, average, detailed, very detailed), how much of the character is being shown and how (chibi headshot, headshot, chibi fullbody, fullbody), the amount of refine of the finished piece (sketch, line art, colored, shaded, polished, fully rendered) and the desired art style (bold line art, sticker, scenery etc.) In order for you to get an idea how this works, I'll show you some examples below!

Example focused on
the amount of refine.
Examples focused on
the amount of character details.
Examples focused on
different styles.

15 min = 3 €

r0dNsOQ.pngDetails: average
Crop: fullbody
Refine: sketch
Style: scenery
CdPECPk.pngDetails: very simple
Crop: headshot
Refine: shaded
Style: portrait
dP511NY.pngDetails: simple
Crop: chibi headshot
Refine: colored
Style: sticker
idfZGWD.pngDetails: average
Crop: headshot
Refine: colored
Style: simplistic
digital watercolor

30 min = 6 €

1zEngx4.pngDetails: average
Crop: fullbody
Refine: line art
Style: scenery
NuPjnzr.pngDetails: very simple
Crop: headshot
Refine: polished
Style: portrait
31peBLt.pngDetails: simple
Crop: headshot
Refine: shaded
Style: portrait
q8ReWYu.pngDetails: average
Crop: chibi fullbody
Refine: colored (lightly shaded)
Style: digital watercolor

45 min = 9 €

yHSFkOv.pngDetails: average
Crop: fullbody
Refine: colored
Style: scenery
iy6f1rW.pngDetails: simple
Crop: headshot
Refine: polished
Style: portrait
BlVB12N.pngDetails: detailed
Crop: headshot
Refine: shaded
Style: portrait
lCZBX9K.pngDetails: average
Crop: headshot
Refine: line art
Style: bold line art

60 min = 12 €

ClT7Gan.pngDetails: average
Crop: fullbody
Refine: shaded
Style: scenery
QH5TA1M.pngDetails: detailed
Crop: headshot
Refine: polished
Style: portrait
RrmvByk.pngDetails: very detailed
Crop: headshot
Refine: shaded
Style: portrait
AAv0MEQ.pngDetails: detailed
Crop: fullbody
Refine: colored
Style: bookmark

Other times/prices

XwCsZmc.pngDetails: average
Crop: fullbody
Refine: fully rendered
Style: scenery
135 min = 27 €
zMSvMgu.pngDetails: very detailed
Crop: headshot
Refine: polished
Style: portrait
75 min = 15 €
Pirtanauha hand bracelets
12 €
More info here


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