
Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by AliensOrbiting

1) Name & prns: Rumble or Lion or Klaus or whatever you wanna call me. And it/its or any

2) Coffee or tea?: neither

3) Anime/manga, yay or nay?: nay

4) Favorite home style/design?: idk

5) Music genre?: Electro funk :]

6) Have any pets (or dream pets)?: 2 cats!! I really want a hamster again. Or a guinea pig

7) Favorite TV show(s) rn? Why?: SOUTH PARK

8) Do you collect anything?: Vinyls

9) If you could visit any place, where would it be?: I doo y wanna go anywhere djdjjd

10) Favorite candy?: gum chews

11) What is something you want to see more of (representation wise)?: uhhhh idk

12) Whats your favorite accessory or clothing item?: I really like my nyaweh sweater 

13) Favorite type of weather?: sunny hehe

14) Current hyperfixation?: SOUTH PARK (who could've guessed)

15) Do you like the icing on cake/cupcakes?: nooooo ew

16) What are some of your hobbies?: drawing, sleeping lol 

17) What is something you know too much about?: Tron <3

18) Are you a school disliker?: yeah, I'm sooooo close to finishing 

19) Favorite fruit or veggie(s)?: WATERMELON!! RASPBERRIES!! BROCCOLI!!

20) What is something you do that people dont?: Idk jdhfbdj


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