i made a dress-up doll game !

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by startle

i leave my projects to the whims of fate

3 Votes do another youtube short tiktok has ruined my attention span and i love moving images
12 Votes hey can you actually finish the warrior cats generator update that you said you'd do five months ago
3 Votes when was the last time you opened blender???? go, boy. go to the 3d modeling mines.
6 Votes .... i think i was promised a talky youtube video? hm??
5 Votes finish the first fire rewrite my god
12 Votes i'd honestly prefer it if u pulled the usual 'wander off into the wilderness for a month and come back with a random skill' thing




haha no i didn't i just clickbaited you but can you imagine??

honestly making this DID make me want to make a dress-up game so if i ever figure out how/where to code that. look out.

anyways i have created & posted a YOUTUBE SHORT for the first time ever!! i would really really really appreciate it if you guys would watch it: i promise it is entertaining, it's only thirty seconds, and if you left a comment on the video I would really appreciate it! The YouTube algorithm is a cruel mistress indeed.... It's okay if you don't want to though; no pressure! Just wanted to show off what I've been working on :P

63747551_haw8mgBLVu3ptC5.gif>> LINK <<

I was going to go more into my medical issues here but honestly I'm sick and wayy too hazy to string together anything coherent, plus when I'm sick I seem to get more productive somehow anyways -- despite becoming notably less social. Wild. Anyways I'm alive, I got diagnosed with POTS but now I'm on beta blockers so hopefully my heartrate will return to not-dying levels, amen! 

Also, I'm sure everyone noticed ( sorry for flooding inboxes... my bad ), but I've finished The Challenge! 63702601_SzyHLZYURQAdEPj.png?1681523445

One-hundred and thirteen cats! Thinking about editing a funny YouTube video with Yakko's World to showcase all of them properly, what do you think? :P

Honestly I've really missed writing bulletins during my medical turmoil; I was reading back some of my old ones and while I was way too thorough with a lot of them they were very entertaining. To me. Probably because I wrote them and I write what I like to read... anyways. Sometimes I find a ton of bulletins annoying but I recall that people used to like them, so I'm at a crossroads here -- but I don't mind writing more if people want them, so :3x


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