dumb questions cause i was bored 💔

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by vinsmoke

idk who originally made this btw

gender: woman. girl. 

sexuality: bi 

height: i actually have no clue 

relationship status: single 👽

favorite colors: yellow idk why r

favorite songs: RN. i rlly like over the top (forgor who it is by but its that one one piece op) AND fox wound by nouns

favorite band / artist: NOUNS ❤️

favorite youtuber: i honestly dont watch youtube that much but if i do, its probably flamingo arguhff

favorite food: MM i love pears and curry

favorite bird: idk if this counts but shoebills 💀

favorite animals: red ruffed lemur ❤️

favorite celebrity: literally none

favorite time of day: 2 am 

favorite holiday(s): christmas

favorite season: winter ofc

favorite fruit: pear

favorite flower: UMMM idk

favorite emoji(s): 😍🤤💔❤️🥵😈 not explaining them

favorite hobby: ARURUGHH i want to go rollerskating sooo bad rn

favorite country: i have no clie

favorite weather: snowing or raining

name of your crush: arrughhhaurgh

name of your pet(s): stinky 

name(s) of your best friend(s): ALEX AND SHEB OMG ❤️

introvert or extrovert: introvert

looks or personality: personality

homesick or traveler: what does this mean

musician or artist: ?

woods or city: woods but i like the beach n ocean more sorry

tv or youtube: one piece

phone or computer: pc obviously


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