dainty stuff uft (slots, premades)

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by oleaspur

umm looking for trades for these dainties + my slots as i have no plans for em atm T___T

a little tent/picky, i want stuff im actually gonna use !! looking for premade cb dainties, slots (reg or cb), or one-offs (especially by designers like stormzilla, peiiche, chuchy07, sugaryu, koidrop, etc..)

premade dainties (dont leave the tag!) -- includes dainties by nicooo, koidrop, and pajuxi
dainty slots - 4x cb slots, 2x reg slots

im happy to trade multiple (slots or charas!) for just one thing ^___^b if youve offered before feel free to reoffer, as i may have forgotten. private offers ok!!

ill try to reply soon but it might take me a while bc ive broken my spacebar...


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ahh im afraid i wouldnt use them!! thank you for the offer though :]

dooooes he interest u for aleks?

rly cool design but i wouldnt use them i dont think!! thank you for the offer though :]

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Anyone (can do multiples!) Here https://toyhou.se/Almog/characters/folder:2765398 for a cb slot ^_^?

i couldnt see anyone id use im afraid!! apologies 

I can offer somebody here (tent on cillian and absinthe) for slots!!

you have some rly gorgeous ocs but none i think id use unfortunately!! tysm for the offer though :]

Absolutely! Thank you for your consideration!