100 questions thingy wow

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by wanderpaws

thiefed from skip 

1) What's your name? : not sharing my irl name ofc but online i go by wander or fen :]

2) How old are you? : minor

3) What's your birthday? : august 27th !

4) What starsign does that make it?: virgo 

5) What's your favorite color? : GREEN !!

6) What’s your lucky number? : don't think i have one but i do like 17

7) Do you have any pets? : yep!! a  cat named joy <3

8) Where are you from? : ukraine originally though i’m in cali now

9) How tall are you?: 5’2

10) What shoe size are you? : shoes sizes are a mysterious and unknown language to me

11) How many pairs of shoes do you own? : several idk

12 is missing

13) If you were a super hero what powers would you have? : hmm,,,, maybe breathing underwater or going invisible 

14) And what would your hero name be? : idk probably smth at least a little funny 

15) And what outfit would you wear? : no idea i don’t have the braincells for this 

16) What was your last dream about? : lots of stuff n complicated but hawaii involved i think  

17) What would you do if you won the lottery? : college funds,, and maybe a few pinterest items i like

18) Would you like to build/design your own house? : maybe design though i’m not sure how much good i’d be and def not build 

19) Which form of public transport do you prefer? : i like walking actually - trains seem cool too 

20) What talents do you have? : drawing? crocheting ? fish facts? idk 

21) Can you juggle? : no

22) Can you solve a Rubix cube? : only one side 

23) Do you have a cherished childhood teddybear? : no but i do have a cherished childhood dog

24) Are you psychic in any way? : nope

25) Are you a good dancer? : absolutely not 

26) Are you a good singer? : no

27) Are you a good cook? : not really 

28) Are you a good artist? : hopefully 

29) Are you a good listener? : i like to think so and i try to be

30) Are you a good public speaker? : NO 

31) Are you a good babysitter? : terrible

32) Are you a good mechanic? : probably not never rlly tried 

33) Are you a good diplomat? : don’t think so

34) Are you a good employee? : idk i’ve never been employed 

35) Are you a good dresser? : not really

36) Are you a good swimmer? : hopefully - i’m definitely not bad at least 

37) Are you a good skier? : never tried

38) Are you a good lover? : i’m aromantic but my heart is so so full of love for my friends and pretty clouds and stray cats 

39) Are you a good musician? : not even ashamed to say yes

40) Are you a good comedian? : self proclaimed yes

41) Are you a good cleaner? : eh

42) Are you a good actor? : don’t get to do it often but drama is fun 

43) Are you a good writer? : it’s fun and i like to think i’m decent 

44) Have you ever been bungee jumping? : no

45) Have you ever been canoeing/kayaking? : nope 

46) What types of vacations do you prefer? : seaside ones with a variety of things to do

47) What’s the furthest you've ever been on vacation? : the one i’m currently on in hawaii :]

48) What was your favorite vacation? : too early to say if it’s this one but before this i think it would have been monterey 

49) Where would your dream holiday be? : by the sea,,,, or visiting ukraine again (under better circumstances than there are currently)

50) Can you tap dance? : nope

51) What’s your favorite zoo animal? : ohh that’s a tough one i rlly liked the fossa in a zoo i went too once that rlly stuck with me

52) What’s your favorite sport? : idk not rlly a Sport Person  

53) What’s your favourite food? : cheesy bread,,, 

54) What’s your favorite pizza topping? : cheese !! or tomato i’m also pineapple favorable 

55) What’s your favorite film? :                          my neighbor totoro <3

56) What’s your favorite song? : kalmia kid by chloe moriondo !

57) What’s your favorite alcoholic drink? : too young to drink and not planning to

58) What’s your favorite non-alcoholic drink? : hmm,, ginger ale or lemonade’s always a good one i like boba too

59) What’s your favorite show? : the mysterious benedict society or moominvalley/the moomins

60) What’s your favorite boyband? : n/a

61) What’s your favorite girl group? : n/a

62) What would be your ideal partner? : not interested in romance 

63) Do you want children? : no

64) Do you want a church wedding? : idk 

65) Are you religious? : .

66) Do you like reality TV shows? : guess not

67) Do you like TV talent shows? : eh

68) If you were gay who would your life partner be? : again uninterested in romance 

69) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be? : not turning in that one permission slip….

70) How many hats do you own? : several 

71) Are you any good at pool? : not really 

72) What’s the highest you've ever jumped into the water from? : don’t remember 

73) Have you ever been admitted to hospital? : i think the er counts? (busted my chin)

74) Have you ever had any brushes with the law? : nope

75) Have you ever been on TV? : no

76) Have you ever met any celebrities? : no

77) Have you ever been to Legoland? : yep!

78) Have you ever done something heroic? : not rlly 

79) Have you ever played a practical joke on anyone? : i’ve participated in one 

80) Have you ever been the recipient of a practical joke? :  nothing that was well planned out/executed 

81) What would be your best achievement to date? : there’s definitely something i just can’t think of it rn,, i’ll just go with winning a drawing contest type thing and my entry being the inspiration for a tshirt design  

82) Do you prefer baths or showers? : probably showers it’s a pain to wash ur hair in the bath 

83) Do you prefer towel drying, blow drying or natural drying your hair? : a mix of towel and natural, blowdrying  only if i’m in a hurry 

84) Have you ever built a snowman? : nothing good but yeah 

85) Have you ever been sledding? : yep

86) Have you ever flown a kite? : not very well but yeah 

87) What color socks are you wearing? : not wearing any 

88) If you could live anywhere, where would that be? : right here is good 

89) Have you ever been famous? : no

90) Would you like to be a big celebrity? : no

91) Would you ever go on Big Brother? : don't know what that is 

92) How big is your TV? : don’t have one 

93) What is your most essential appliance? : no idea                                       

94) What type of music do you like? : idk?? just random songs i like

95) How do you get yourself to sleep? : lots of methods of varying effectiveness (it takes me super long to fall asleep

96) How many Pillows do you sleep with? : 2 + some plushies 

97) What position do you often sleep in? : on my side curled up 

98) What do you wear to bed? : tshirt + pajama pants  

99) How big is your house? : idk it’s a 2 bedroom apartment not super huge but not tiny either  

100) How'd you find these questions? : skip’s bulletin :3


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HELPMEE OMG YEAH THATS A TYPO 😭 fixed now but that was funny actually