Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Gray_drawz

I just had someone back out of a voucher and it screwed up my offer on ocs and now I need to find 40$ to replace it! So I’m taking offers on ocs <33 feel free to either comment on their th or on this bulletin! PayPal vouchers only please! Trades and art as add on


Umm which ones are ufs? :0

Ummmmm feel free to ask I, super tent on a lot but with the right price I may accept

Bet bet (I need to search up how to make a voucher cause idk how that works 💀)

Oh oh bsically you just hold onto the money/PayPal until I have a PayPal to send it to Which shouldn’t be to long 

Just lmk which you liked <33

I’m super tent on both 💀

horizon is 100+ or designer trades

 and all my keeno designs art designer trades only 

Ah I dont have any! (But a wishes design that is 100% nfs)

That’s alright 

Hi!! I've been looking at or for a while; could I get an estimate/range on their values or what you'd wish for one of them? Or both!

I’m super tent on both horizon is worth atleast 100$ and Angel is trades only