April 29th Update

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by toonilumi

Ah... I'm one day late.

That aside, hello everyone! I'm back with lots of updates. Here are some things i've been working on. 

- I've added ribbon collections to all the characters! Hopefully I can remember to keep up with them lol. But there's some nice treats there if you're interested in looking through them.

- I've also been working on a character masterlist! It's still a WIP right now but you can hopefully expect to see it soon!

I've been wanting to add some new characters for a while, but I haven't really had time to get refs up and running yet, rather unfortunate but that's just how it is. No time in my life! None at all! Hopefully as my workload winds down in May, I'll have more time to do stuff, but until then that's my update for now. See you in May!


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