AITA for hiding my roommate's weed

Posted 1 year, 12 days ago by Kanswe Kwon

Am I the asshole

3 Votes You are
5 Votes Your roommate is

I, male 24 am getting sick of my roommate's behavior. They're very respecful of my boundaries and very friendly but as soon as they start smoking too much they just go insane. Yes we have a big (even I daresay huge apartment) but it still bothers me. So I've decided to hide their greens for now until they moderate their consumption a little more. So I wanted to know if that was too over the limit of me to do that or not. Thank you


I came all the way from a different universe, just to say that YTA :(I

f you're that concerned just go talk to them about it, damn !! 

Make love! Not war! Now go!!


DUDE GIV IT BACK🤬‼️‼️ he funny as hell when he high🤣🤣🤣 ahole👎👎👎

They :) 

Also you are banned from visiting our apartment friendship ended with Carlos

What is weed

Naughty grass

Yo mama

While I do not agree with the consumption of marijuana to begin with you are completely in your right to hide it. I believe you are doing your roommate a favor and this is beneficial to both of you. NTA