coding style

Posted 1 year, 23 days ago by micro-wave

just curious, when you see one of my codes, what makes you go "yeah thats a micro-wave code"?


Your codes are usually very small and compact, not in a bad way though

Do I usually think the code is by you just by looking at it? Yes.
Am I capable of explaining what makes 'em look like they're made by you? No

dont worry i cant discern it either xD

on mobile, your codes always seem to be, idk, smaller than the space given? they're like boxed in to their own boundaries. but i LOVE that, it makes them look more compact and neat to me frfr

ooh i see :D

oops wrong acct! lmfao

the place where you massively put your username kjfsnjk

omg thank you

np np lmfao