
Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Mastouffe

I am writing this in a hurry but I finally finished my twins 3 hopes profiles!!! I have also updated a few things from their main bio, and wrote Theon's 3 hopes paralogue script which was a lot of fun. I might have??? forgotten a few things but I wanted to put these out before next week since it'll be a busy one and then the new zelda game is coming out and I know I'll be spending my time on that. I hope you guys like it tho!!! I actually like 3 hopes a bit more than 3 houses, course there are things that could be greatly improved but that is a conversation for another day. Eventually I will add Dia's paralogue and add an extra chapter too.

I will probably upload one more OC before the end of the next week but it definitely will not be as detailed as my other OCs since she's a zelda OC and she needs an revamp anyways. Love you all and take care!!! <3


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