- Please feel free to PM me any testimonies youve had or negative experiences I can add to this.
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Before we start, I would like to state some of the contributors would like to remain anonymous for their own comfort and safety. Do not go out of your way to seek them out or to harass them or anyone mentioned in this doc.

This post is about users cyberpuppy/n4kahara/pupies/chuuyanakahara/nkhr/iruma/1nventor/strangled/lruma and 222/neurosama/virtueslastreward/mahiru/pigeonby/-__-/dazaisan/saikikusuo/kanabiki/54365475472745/swirl/mirrorgirl.

Here is a list of what we will be covering, in order: 

  • Threats of su1c1de, rape, zoophilic statements, doxxing, abuse, usage of slurs and the overall toxicity of 222 and Miu’s relationship.
  • Stalking, harassment, witch-hunting, block evading, and copying+heavy inspiration of ocs associated with L0VEC0RE (owned or designed by.)
  • Scamming and making “duplicates” of ocs with slight alterations, with the intent to sell for money. 

There will be TLDR's at the end of each segment incase you do not feel comfortable reading. The TLDR will be marked in purple text.

Our main victim in this whole situation is @L0VEC0RE. She has provided us enough evidence to cover a lot of subjects, especially the most severe ones. Our other evidence providers and writers are myself and multiple others who have chosen to remain anonymous. If you intend on talking to anybody about this, keep it to me. L0VEC0RE wants absolutely nothing to do with those who decide to argue or defend these people. We are not going to tolerate numbskulled users trying to harass anybody involved in these documents. Although the bulletin is about 222 and Miu, do not harass them either. They both need professional help rather than the dogpiling of Toyhouse users. This is just a beware or warning to stay away from them.


To start, Daizy (L0VEC0RE) met Miu (cyberpuppy) around october of 2022, through 222 who was (and still is) dating Miu. At the time they were friends, but eventually Daizy and multiple others began noticing some extremely disturbing bulletins cyberpuppy had been posting to and about her girlfriend, 222. 

The following content contains mentions of suicide, rape, zoophilia, doxxing, telling other people to commit, usage of slurs, and verbal abuse.



1st- image shows cyberpuppy claiming they have a rape kink and have been threatening to rape and abuse 222 during their whole relationship.

2nd, 3rd, 4th- images show cyberpuppy at the time going by he/him but threatening suicide and telling 222 to commit for calling them a man.

5th- shows cyberpuppy telling somebody to kill themselves and spamming them.

6th - cyberpuppy telling 222 to commit

7th - cyberpuppy had referred to 222 as the r slur over using the fill tool.


Around 8pm CST on 5/3/2023, Miu posted a bulletin saying she had been dumped by 222 and that it called her a zoophile, yet under 24 hours later had already taken down the bulletin and changed her profile to say she was with 222.



Miu faking suicide publicly, along with posting her address in the bulletins. We will not be showing this bulletin for obvious reasons.





"i dumped 222 lol they are an abuser and they make my life hell every single day. everyone deserves to know how they traumatized me and countless others. they even forced me to dox myself and want me to die". 

After these bulletins, 222 and Miu continued to fight. 222 hacked Miu's account to let everyone know that Miu's okay. It attempted to reassure her, to no avail.



Miu spamming bulletins saying she's an abuser, she's proship, and ending the bulletin spam by saying she was going to take her life.


Yet another instance of Miu threatening suicide, and saying she had dumped 222.


TLDR; Miu has openly threatened to rape 222 & commit suicide, she called 222 the r slur, told 222 to commit suicide, and accused it of calling her a zoophile. It claimed 222 is an abuser to her, as well as posting her own address. It has been verbally abusing 222 in bulletins and in DMs for ages. All of these only cover harassment of cyberpuppy’s partner, 222. This is just the beginning.


Part two: stalking and constant harassment of L0VEC0RE.

Miu and 222 have at least 8 accounts each, shown at the beginning of the document; most of which they have both used to follow L0VEC0RE, find her new accounts, follow her friends and block evade all of them. 

The duo (Primarily Miu, however 222 is guilty of this as well) found Daizy's account and began to message her even after she had moved to get away from them, and they tracked her account down to PM her.

The conversation as follows:





"Sent by Iruma on 21 Mar 2023, 1:15:26 pm

hi. im sorry if this is inappropriate to just dm out of nowhere but i felt you deserved some kind of explanation.

as im sure you know, i was the one to report your characters. (if you thought it was 222, that is incorrect)

i suffer from bpd and have a LOT of impulsive breakdowns. when i saw your partner (used to be & Nakahara idk their new account) blocked me, i

flipped out and did whatever i could to get back at him. unfortunately that led back to you and i did things i very much regret.

i'm not trying to use my bpd as an excuse, more as an explanation for what i did. i understand i broke your trust you had to authorize me, and i am deeply sorry.

id hope we could be friends, or at least on good terms, in the future, but i understand that is not likely something you'd want after what i have done. i am so sorry. i did not want to cause harm, and i am currently seeking help (therapy, etc) for my issues.

i wish you the best, in any case! i hope you will be well after any pain i have caused you, and i genuinely care. again, I'm very sorry.

- miu"


"Sent by sourcandies on 21 Mar 2023, 10:55:23 pm

hi, i don't mind the random dm don't worry!! and i appreciate it! (also sorry for the late reply, i haven't been on toyhouse all too much lately)

i figured that was the case, i didn't ever think 222 reported my ocs, i felt it was necessary to unauthorize it though because i worried that it'd send my characters to you (since i did notice you posting designs that had been color-picked from my sonas), or report more of them on your behalf..

but i did think we were friends and i was deeply upset to find out that it traded a recolor of pippy to my abuser, and then commissioned him..

sometimes i struggle with impulses too, so i can understand that to some degree. though i think i should mention that my partner didn't block

you for anything personal, he was just a chuuya introject and was personally uncomfortable with doubles; i don't think he had anything against

you personally, it was just for his own comfort, and he didn't really mind me interacting with you regardless

i do wish you both the best, but i'm personally not ready to be friends or interact regularly with either of you at the moment. however i don't feel

the need to block anyone. i don't hate either of you at all, i just struggle a lot with regaining trust once it's been broken, i hope you can understand.. but i do appreciate the apology, thank you for taking the time to clear things up!

once again i wish you both well, and i do truly hope that therapy will help you out and all!!"


"Sent by Iruma on 22 Mar 2023, 9:14:05 am

oh and also! i had no idea i was colorpicking, i tend to subconsciously pick up things i see but it was never on purpose. and 222 didn't want to

associate with him at all, it just struggles with declining offers that aren't ocs and orders and goes through the search of point ychs and orders

everything it can. it doesn't mean to seem like it supports him or anything he does.. sorry about all that. i wish you the best!"


As we were writing this, Miu subbed to me [aya] and a few of Daizy’s friends on a blank account. I noticed that the account was invited by lruma and that this user was subbed to Miu’s partner AND multiple of L0VEC0RE’s mutuals. Not long after, "rockrff", aka miu, privated all of their stats.


The screenshots show Miu subbing to multiple people Daizy had interacted with, and 222, Miu’s partner. From these two alone, it's easy to tell that she block evades. 

TLDR; Miu has made multiple attempts to interact with Daizy and her mutuals, even after being blocked by some of them (including myself).


Part three: Copying / stealing / reselling currently owned ocs to different people as well as scamming people out of money, da pts, and art for ripoffs.

Below are examples of 222 and Miu stealing designs, prominently L0VEC0RE designs or ocs that she owns. Each design comparison has notes. Do not harass or witch hunt the current owners of these designs. None of them have anything to do with this, and even the ones who do should not be harassed. Think rationally.

The design below is also a ripoff of the L0VEC0RE design below. It was designed by one of 222’s other accounts, mahiru. It has a similar aesthetic to the original design and other ripoffs, similar colors, design aspects, and more.


some more ripoffs (each seperated by a new spoiler, to prevent clutter)



^^^ This one is not as similar, but do note how similar the colors and hair is. The colors are almost the exact same.


This one is directly colorpicked.








Notice how not all may be exact copies down to the letter, but almost all of them have extremely similar ideas and color schemes and most, if not all of them seem to follow the trend of being owned or designed by L0VEC0RE. This is not to directly say one individual character was ripped off of the other, rather to say that 222 (and Miu) tend to follow a very long pattern of taking heavy inspiration off of ocs associated with Daizy whether she provides permission or not, which she hasn’t.

As stated in Daizy's T.O.S, heavy inspiration is not allowed with her designs. However, colorpicking is under strict rules, e.g using the colors for something entirely different and not using the same ideas. Miu and 222 seem to not understand this, as the designs they both colorpicked and referenced look similar enough to where you can tell they're copied given you've seen the original.


TLDR; Miu and 222 have a habit of colorpicking/hueshifting & copying designs L0VEC0RE has designed or owned, knowing the rules on her designs and ocs. Although they may not be exact, with the trend of Miu and 222's stalking it is clear that this was very much intentional.


Part four: Scamming + Making duplicate designs of the same oc & reselling them

On October 19th, 2022, Daizy had received an oc (Pippy) from 222. To Daizy's knowledge, that was the only existing pallete/design of that character. However, as shown in these screenshots, The original designer had made multiple designs/copies of that character and resold them to different people. Luckily, Daizy has all of them now (as far as we know), but one of them was sold to someone on Daizy's blacklist, and 222 knew of the blacklisting, while still selling them to said person. 

Proof of Daizy's ownership of Pippy (the original design):


The alternate palletes/designs:


The alternate design that was sold to another individual (craft):


As shown from this, 222 has admitted to supporting craft in the past & admitted to selling the alternate designs under the excuse that it used them as different ocs.


ID, if you can't read the screenshot:

"Sent by 222 on 22 Mar 2023, 11:56:43 am

i just wanted to mention beforehand that i don't blame you for unauthorizing me btw! do whatever feels right with your ocs but i mentioned some things as responses to the dm you sent my gf and i think they got lost in translation so i figured i'd say it myself...

1. what i'd said was to say that i didn't know she was colour picking, but she'd misread this as me telling her to say she didn't know she was! the message was meant to convey that i had no plans of sending her your ocs because i didn't know she was doing it at all and i'm sorry i didn't pick up on it... what it's more likely that she didn't know was that there was a problem with doing it, since in some servers we're in there are many people who talk about doing it openly and proudly. i feel like this whole part got jumbled and miscommunicated..

2. i'm genuinely so sorry you lost your ocs and i absolutely wouldn't have reported them on her behalf! she was very distressed about what she did after, but i don't blame you for not knowing or not trusting me or anything.

3. i wanted to genuinely apologize for having interacted with phil when we were on a friendly basis and knowing what he did. i don't follow him or anything, and i don't support anything he's done, but i did have interactions with him - in actuality, when i was putting pippy's old alts ufo (which i had separated because i personally used them as separate characters) i was actually pretty weirded out by the fact that he wanted one that was an alt for an oc you now owned, but i was actually scared to decline (a bad habit of mine) - the other time which was recently i'd bought a ych, and honestly i just wasn't thinking at all and was mass buying ychs that i could get with points - it didn't really occur to me that this could be financially supporting him or anything. i don't expect these explanations to excuse it, but to detail how i messed up. i don't plan to support his actions at any point and i won't be purchasing from him again, and i also don't expect you to trust me again just because of this apology so please don't feel pressured. 

ultimately you don't have to re-authorize me or interact or anything, i just hoped that if anything i could try to calm any potential fears you may have had about us! and i genuinely hope you're doing well"


Log with Pippy's original designer, Puppybiscuit:

(In toyhouse DM order, ID will be in the correct order)




"Sent by Osamu on 14 Feb 2023, 9:06:22 am

hi!! hopefully this isn't a bother, but i was wondering if you created these alternate palettes/versions of pippy, or if somebody else made them? and i was also curious if the were intended to be included with pippy (if you did make them)? :0 no worries if they were made by someone else, i think i may know who could've created them if you didn't, but i thought i'd ask just in case!

these are the palettes i'm asking about also:"


"Sent by puppybiscuit on 14 Feb 2023, 9:14:23 am

hello!! i did make them, as well as all the alt versions of eye colors in the original ref! pippy was my sona when i was 16-17 and at the time i wasn't 100% sure which colors i wanted to go with, so when i very first designed her i chose to include multiple palettes for people to use (if they wanted!) the original art was posted here in october of 2017, and the original drawing of black pippy was posted here a couple weeks before that. every rendition of the character is not meant to be sold separately unless the owner of pippy (you) wishes to, and otherwise i am happy to compensate

for anyone who may have accidentally bought the other versions, but they rightfully belong to you!" 

TLDR; 222 has scammed multiple people, mainly L0VEC0RE with alternate palettes and ripped off designs, and the designer of the main oc rip off has blatantly said against it. It has also given out designs of L0VEC0RE's ocs to people on her blacklist.




For all the time I’ve known of this, I've been baffled at the behavior of these two. Considering they both claim to be adults, learning these two people are the reason we can’t enjoy daizy’s art or creations publicly makes me very upset. We can’t enjoy her work if there are people out there on toyhouse like this who take the fun out of things by harassing people off the face of the internet. I’ve looked up to L0VEC0RE as a person and an artist  for a long time, and before I met them I was always really upset/worried as to why she was always moving accounts. I really hope these two can find help and stop ripping off Daizy’s ocs / designs and just let her live in peace.

Honestly, I was very disturbed when I blocked n4kahara and was subbed to by rockrff literally two days later. Seeing those two literally stalk Daizy to the point of stalking her friends is just terrifying and weird. 


Anonymous 1: 

i have only known these two since around august or september of 2022. i always knew something was up because of how they acted around each other and just in general, and my suspicions were right once i saw the bulletins they would post. i was in one of their discord servers and they would almost constantly get into arguments and fights, which was both immature and possibly triggering to others in the server. they always rubbed me as wrong, and i was especially uncomfortable to know that miu had been into rape and had constantly harassed and had sent death threats to her partner. i also had my own experience with 222 and miu attacking me for offering on an oc i thought was ufo, as i didnt know miu was having a breakdown. I was scared to int. for a while and i felt awful thinking it was my fault, but i realized that 1. i didnt know miu was having a breakdown and 2. i am a minor and 2 adults attacked me for something so simple that couldve been handled by them way more maturely .. overall, i feel terrible for daisy and what theyve been put through, as they dont deserve this at all. i hope miu and 222 get professional help, but i dont think they will from my pov.


hello!! i am not defending any of the people in the wrong here at ALL, but i just wanted to say that just because someone has he/him pronouns does not = they are a man. pronouns do not equal gender, any gender can have pronouns :) /nm 

i don’t really know where this is coming from ?? and in all honesty i don’t think that matters nor is it the subject of this post at all. either way i would not know because i don’t spend my time keeping up with or stalking either of the people in this bulletin nor have i interacted with either of them more than three times. this bulletin was made and posted for the sake of the victim(s)

No, sorry, i understand, it's just i read part of the pronouns thing and i just wanted to explain that part, Sorry, if I haven't made it clear I don't support anyone in this bulletin. It's just something that stuck out to me, and wanted to say something on, and I didn't read it fully though, so that is my fault.. could you provide a tldr summary for me if you don't mind so I can understand better? I have a reading disability, so I did not fully go through it all, apologies.

222 and miu have been stalking and harassing l0vec0re for a long time, doing various things such as:

- copying her designs 

- colorpicking and ripping off her sonas

- scamming 

222 and miu also treat eachother very poorly, fetishizing rape, abuse etc, and at one point they both had lied about their ages claiming to be young minors (i think 14-16?) when they are currently in their 20s. there’s more claims of that somewhere on tumblr … o think it was thdramas but i’m unaware. 

Okay i understand now jeez that’s terrible.. thank you

ofc !

Now this is a darn shame, I knew about some things happening in the ai dolls discord server at the time but just chose to ignore it as I thought it was best to not get involved (like with Miu constantly having breakdowns in the server) and I’m just overall disappointed in everything that has transpired..

personally though I’m just a bystander and I don’t feel any different by owning at least 1 design or 2 by either of these toxic people, I still like the designs despite everything. But I am at least glad to know what happened.

On another unrelated note I noticed this art style; who did that? (Th username preferred, I’ve already tried spelling out the signature name and they don’t work) I’ve been trying to track that down for months now for the sake of credit on one of my characters here + design credit. Sorry about this totally unrelated note but I had to reach out about it or something 😩it was driving me up the wall lol


that drawing+character was a ripoff of ic made by the other person in the bulletin, 222. your character i believe was made by 222 as well

Art & design? 222 did both the art and design of my ai doll character?

it’s more likely than not but i cant guarantee anything, im sorry but i dont really know much of aidolls

I just wanted to be sure is all. The species doesn't really matter, I was only asking if the art matched at all only for proper credit purposes.

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wow. this is just so horrible

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sure! you are free to bump with other bulletins / forum bump etc!!

Oh man, what the hell.

I've been following 222's art for almost a year now from Artfight, I saw some things here and there but... Wtf seriously oh my god.

yeah ☹️☹️ before i found out about this stuff miu was following me so i was super freaked out upon learning this stuff

It always sucks when people that seem pretty cool are just..... shitty like for no reason -sob-

This is happening way too often lately.

i agree . it’s usually the people that are mildly popular too ☹️☹️ please stay safe! my profile comments are always open for casual chats and PMS for more important stuff , ik my profile seems empty having only two characters rn but that’s hopefully temporary! again please take care & stay safe!!

I had gotten a few designs from 222 and didn’t even know about any of this :( I hope this all gets resolved, now I’m not too sure to do with the designs I got..

aggh i’ve got a few friends who are upset they own its designs too T__T stay safe!

Thank you! You stay safe aswell

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me too i rly hope they get help or js like . get off the internet,, stay safe ^__^

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i get the struggle ,, also recommend unsubbing 2 swirl that’s their acc,, 222 is subbed to you also btw

As a victim of stalking and toxic relationships, I just don't have the right words to describe how disgusting their actions are. I feel like anything I say is an understatement because oh my god, this is just.. awful.

😭😭 yeah this stuff left me baffled


lord this situation is horrible TT thank you for taking your time to make this awareness, i blocked every account listed. hopefully things will sort out eventually

thank you very much for your appreciation ❤️ i’m hoping things will work out too. please stay safe!

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i ip blocked a few but i’m still always weary of new subs cause miu had subbed to me after i blocked her T__T when i get the time i’m 100% ip blocking every acc

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wishing your safety as well! i’m so very glad we could all get this done T__T tysm for the support and kind words!

god this is horrible

i get having bpd (i have it too) but theres a point where you need to just get the fuck off the internet and/or put your phone down even for a moment. all of this shit is unacceptable, and im deeply sorry to everyone involved whos had to go through this. i hope everyone is able to recover, and i hope that miu and 222 at the very least get off the internet (i hope they get help, but i dont know if they will). 

yeah it’s been a lot ,, and unfortunately so many ppl still interact with these people 😭😭 i rly hope people can realize these people aren’t good to hang around and i hope miu + 222 get the help they need

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yea… and to see 222 ripped off one of MY CHARACTERS makes me rly upset about it , i wish i knew ab this persons actions , the bulletins r max wild too i literally witnessed the breakup thing and miu simply deleting the bulletin and changing her profile to say they were together again

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i’ve rarely interacted with either , i posted these on behalf of the main victim but i was super upset when i found out these two were one of the main reasons daizy was constantly moving accts ;__;

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me too,, daizy didn’t deserve this at all and the fact that there r ppl interacting with daizy that are openly in contact with miu and 222 EVEN AFTER being told not to interact with her if in contact with them is just rly rude and disrespectful

i really hope you’re doing alright <33 /p