ABC Questions :0 (stolen jdkdkd)

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by AFTERGUTZ

A- Age: 17, I’m turning 18 in June :0

B- Biggest Fear: death and the concept of time

C- Current Time: 11:32 AM as I’m writing this!

D- Drink you last had: A&W Root Beer XD

E- Easiest Person To Talk to: Mario/Marchionne (my bro, I’m Luigi (Super Mario) and Luciano (Mario The Music Box) IRL)

F- Favorite Song: Mama by My Chemical Romance!

G- Ghosts, are they real: they are very much real to me!

H- Hometown: not sharing but do know it’s somewhere in Florida

I- In love with: no one but I wish I could fall in love. I’m aroace 💀

J- Jealous Of: people who are alloromantic, as well as all the artists I’m friends with (they’re so good in comparison to me)

K- Killed Someone?: no but I’m THIS CLOSE to doing it

L- Last time you cried?: just a few days ago 

M- Middle Name: not sharing 💀

N- Number of Siblings: 2, I’m the eldest of 3

O- One Wish: to be back in the Mushroom Kingdom

P- Person who you last called: Mario/Marchionne!!

Q- Question you're always asked: “are you ok?”

R- Reason to smile: again, Mario/Marchionne!!

S- Song last sang: Dr. Sunshine is Dead by Will Wood and The Tapeworms

T- Time you woke up: around 11:00 AM my time

U- Underwear Color: idk-

V- Vacation Destination: either Germany, Australia, or Scotland!!

W- Worst Habit: self-depreciation

X- X-Rays you've had: none to my memory-

Y- Your favorite food: Bagel Bites or anything spicy

Z- Zodiac Sign: Gemini!


may I steal this? :D

Of course!!
