Posted 1 year, 30 days ago by cloudsleepyy


Decided to do a MYO Event for these guys!!

(I will make this format look better in a bit)


-You can only create 1 Zipplerr for this event!

-Your Zipplerr MUST be designed until the 5th of June, so there will be no MYO slots! I will repeat this when handing out approvals in the comments

-Your Zipplerr can be any subspecies! Just remember to list out the traits! (You are free to mix traits and add your own, just make sure to state the subspecies as well!)

-Make sure to follow the guide below! The head shape doesnt have to have a pointy nose! 


-Share this post on a bulletin

-Follow cloudsleepyy

-Comment to receive a slot (slot is not permanent and will expire on the 5th of June if you haven’t designed your Zipplerrz by then)

-Submit your Zipplerrz to the Zipplerrz world to make it official!



I've been subscribed for you for months <3 I also joined the th world for da sillies <3

also, can a reptillian based off a raptor have feathers? im going off a raptor with feathers and i dont know if i should change to a normal dino or be able to do this
i wanna see if this is fine before i move on, this is for when you approve the fact i can make one. (i've subbed, btw.)

Can I get an extension? I never got my approval and I’m nervous

Yes that's fine! I'm going to be making them an Open Species anyways!

Ah, alright! Done! I can’t wait to draw my lil guy! Thanks for the opportunity! ‘}

Is my entry approved? Wanna know sothat I can start^^ /pos

Done and joining the world, also in the future is buying  slots gonna be a thing? I love all sub species! Tho i think my first is gonna be a bug boi 

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

Sounds good Ty ^^

already subbed and here's the bulletin 

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

Invertebrate <333 I'll make the th rn!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

I had a question about the one I made! Is it okay for thr backpack to hold a kids cuisine like accessory? :00


I wanna make a mammalian :3 I've subbed 

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

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You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

subbed and bulletin is made :3

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

Hey there! Subbed and made a bulletin!!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

Thank you!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

Shared and already subbed 💛⚡️

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

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You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

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You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

Bulletin Here and I’ve been subbed for a while!^^

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

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You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

These are so cute!!! Uploading a bulletin now! :3

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

[bulletin] + have been subbed for awhile :D

funky fella

EDIT: can they have human like head shapes??

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

that can work, yes!

I did it :D

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

Hi hi!

I wanted to know if something like this is ok? Is kinda inspired on a leech 

yup! Is there a marking on the body that matches with the face marking? :0

Great! Yup i was planning out it on the arm! If thats ok Is there i just didnt paint lol

Is ok if add things like earings and those things?


1 Replies

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!


- already following

- bulletin made:

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

Was already following !! Bulletin :0

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

I have a question :0

Can I make one based on a dragon (I think they will fall under reptilian category right?) could they have wings? 🤔


Aaa awesome! Ty! :D <3

Here's the bulletin:

Already subbed! ^^

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

heres the post and was already following !

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

This user is not visible to guests.

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

This user is not visible to guests.

Already subbed, and here is the bulletin!

Thank you for this opportunity!💖

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

This user is not visible to guests.

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

Already subbed lol Here's the Bulletin

Uhhh subspecies mixing? Not allowed? Gonna be an item? Okay just during this event? For context, I'm thinking of mixing aquatic and reptilian somehow maybe like a plesiosaur idk?

Ya! Ill allow mixed subspecies!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

Did everything!

Here’s the bulletin!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

are there any bases to use? 

sadly there are no bases! not yet at least

bulletin here!! already subbed :-D 

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved! Heres my bulletin, these guys are so cute!

Also if i were to make one themed around an angel, would it fall under unknown or avian subspecies?

it can be either or!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

one last thing, can I make floating limbs, such as the head, it would still have a zipper around the neck, I just imagine it would open like one of those flip top lids.

Ya! Youll have to show me a wip though just incase!

I started to work on a design, it's pretty far out there, so I understand if there's a lot to be changed 

Some if it's traits would be wings (multiple, also they're flat, almost like a hologram or projected)

Floating head, halo, fur, claws, the face marking is based on its halo, the things on its arms, thighs and chest are zippers

(Also I'm doing this from my phone, and can't send the image over, so here's a link to it:

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You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!


You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

yaya. i love thses.

heres tha bulletin

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

yay!! may I like,,cross breed subspecies?

gonna work on a design asap!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!


i already submited the bulletin! 

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

Here's mine and i was already subbed!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!


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You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

Thank you!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

Alredy subbed  here the bulletin =3

I hope I have the time to make one of these they look cool.

Also would a sketch count as a desighn and then we just finish it after June 5 or do we have to have the full thing done? Just asking in case I run out of time and can only do a sketch 

Hmmmm perhaps! But ill only give and extension until june 10th if someome needs more time

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

This user is not visible to guests.

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

Already subbed and Bulletin made

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

Discord or th?

Either or! #cloudsleepyy4799

K I’ll do th than, easier for me

Just got curious sorry

This user's account has been closed.

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

i realized now that when I submitted them, they don’t have a backpack, is it okay for me to add that when it get’s approved/is okay? (it’ll be a sun and moon backpack to match the theme and the subspecies is mammalian)

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

tysm Henry! c:

Following already and

Thank you :)

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

I’m already following u lol,here’s the bulletin!

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved! < im gonna draw it later Because im in the middle of another drawing but . smiles

You may now design your Zipplerr until June 5th! DM me if you need something approved!

designed and submitted to the world 👍

OHH!! LOVE EM! Great work!

TYSM ^_^