art related poll

Posted 1 year, 26 days ago by JAYWALKING

art career as a viable option?

2 Votes probably
3 Votes probably not

do you feel like art as a career is a viable option for you?

this is something i think about, because i wonder if i'll ever be able to break in the industry or even do any freelance, let alone live off commissions. i feel like i'll always have a day job.

curious about others optimism or pessimism in that subject


While it used to be pure pessimism for me, mostly now I just could never find art to be fulfilling if it was my life line. I know some people are purists and are willing to do that and that's super cool. Though my thing is that no one is less of any artist for wanting to try to stay afloat in other ways. Hell, working a job outside of art making has paid for more supplies I needed to make the work I want to make (I work mostly in textiles). End of the day, there is no one way that's perfect for everyone. 

Would be great if artists got paid normally and weren't then put through the wringer when tax seasons rolls around.

I go back and forth on whether I would want to do art/animation full time to pay my bills. Or, rather, whether I'm satisfied doing creative projects on my own time and funding them through other means. The last couple jobs I've worked each became exhausting after a few months simply because I was so bored doing the same thing, and a thing I don't really care about - foodservice. I can't help but feel like I'm wasting the prime of my life in a mundane job, day in day out. I like to think I was destined to do more with my talents, being paid to work on an artistic project and not dreading another day of shitty customers and being on my feet for seven hours. For all I know, maybe doing animation as a career wouldn't be fulfilling, maybe it would be draining. But it feels like I probably won't know (or won't WANT to know) for some time, considering the state of the animation industry right now. Maybe I'm best off staying in the position I'm in.

Thank you for your thoughts, it's nice hearing from you. Glad we are both making art regardless!