Coding Suggestions!

Posted 4 years, 5 months ago by dwadopts


I am currently taking any and all coding suggestions for freebies of html and css! If you have something you want done but can't figure it out, or want a basic version of anything, why not suggest it here and I'll see if I can work my magic. I do not take money for these ( as I do not have code commissions ) but my Ko-Fi is always open for tips!


Warning Page. Like when you enter someone's page it has their TOS and possible tag warnings.

This user is not visible to guests.

Maybe something similar to the wc one, but its just one clan you can see till you click a button at the top to open the other clans? (sorry if it confusing)

Ah, my apologies for taking so long to get back to you on this but, a redux has been made! it should work for what you wanted! 

Could you do a bnha one :O

I’ve been trying to find one that isn’t too text heavy, but n o o n e c r e d i t s anymore apparently.

@SmolBird ;; If you give me an example or what exactly you want, I could see what I can work up. It may be delayed for a bit as work's been getting in the way, but I'd love to help!