SpriteFestival video game

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by SauntProof

Beta test interest poll

148 Votes I am interested in testing!

I wanted to put this information somewhere public so people know the project I'm working on at the moment! It is still in the making and there is no playable demo yet but that is something we want to get done soon!

SpriteFestival game introduction

SpriteFestival is a semi-sandbox pixel game where players, outside of a couple small NPC, completely inhabit the world and control what happens within it, including lore, parts of history and what kind of spirit civilizations live there. Users are allowed to use the space given to them to build whatever they want which can range from cities, to villages, to forests and much more. SpriteFestival is also an art game where users are able to draw in their own designed characters to play with, which will be done through something called a “spritesheet”, these spritesheets are imported through your character their masterlist entry on our website and turned into live animation when you play. There will be a great variation of animations you can include to make your character come to life but the basic animations to make it work in the game are: walking, idle and jump.

In the early stage release we want to include mini games like: farming, fishing, foraging and some minor house customization. With these minigames you can obtain copper tokens which you can use to expand and customize your land and home (most customization options and optimization will be done more so in the future stages of the game)

If the game is able to develop even further we also want to add features like a game story mode (including a battle mechanism), farm animals, inviting friends characters to live on your land, a center spirit city with a market, a pet system, cooking, alchemy and probably more as we progress.

The game will have SFX sound design, atmosphere music, animations etc. Some of these things may be updated as we develop.


Everyone will start out with this map design (note some things may change) which you will be able to customize to your liking, customization will be limited at first but in future development you will be able to move about anything including trees, rocks, rivers, cliffs, houses and other decorations. We will be including different themes for both the indoor and outdoor areas of your land, things such as different grass colors, different paths, different bodies of water, different tree designs and decor.

Note that this is an informal information post and there will be more formal informative posts in the future,  As i don't want to give too much away about the game right now. We are hoping to open the game for alpha/ beta testing at the end of this year, this will also include hosting a kickstarter. Everyone who owns a chowling species character at the moment will have their characters included free of charge into this game, and their lore + species status will not change as this game takes place. If you are questions about the game please ask them in the comments.


AJIOWAJFOIGEWDF;J I'm so proud of you guys for how far you've come!! You all have inspired me to get into coding and character creation. I'm so excited to see the result and would love to help test this out. Once I get a job again, I'm going to help fund the kickstarter. Much love to you and the admins!

Will it be mobile friendly :0, Or mainly just desktop for now?

We want to include a mobile friendly version (:

I'd wish to test! I need to get a chow first tho sdfgh, love how cute it looks!