Dràcait adopts! [closedish]

Posted 1 year, 25 days ago by Jotaku

Thank y'all so much for the interest in my dràcait species!  It makes me super stoked that my first time at trying feral adopts has been well received!   
So I decided to whip up a few more between working on other things. :D


Paypal only
Comment to claim
Limited to only one claim for first 12 hours, after which you can claim more if any remain
Adopt TOS

1. kikos
2. Windsor
3. Spacejackal
4. $200 

I'm really attached to #4 and super torn over whether I want to keep it for myself or not.  So that one has a ridiculously high price cuz it's a "pry it from my grasp" price jflk;dsa
I figure, if someone wants it badly enough to pay $200 then they deserve it more than me lol.  If not, then I'm taking it as a sign this dragon kitty was destined to remain mine!   
I'll leave #4 open for about a week and if there's no takers then I'll keep 'em for myself!


I'd love to get #3 if it's still available ;u; ( am going to work in about an hour and a half, so if I'm late to respond that's why ;; )

Oh of course!  I'll mark them as claimed and shoot you a PM with payment info in just a moment!  :D

Oh man these are beautiful! It makes me want to get a custom if they are available in the future. ^^

Thank you so much!  My plate is currently too full with previous customs to accept any more at the moment, but I'm sure it's something I'll be open to down the line when my work load frees up more! :D

The markings you went with in this batch are super beautiful (as always heh!)
Love the bold pops of no.1, but the subtlety of no.4 is so classy///🥰

((whenever i look at their long whappy tails i just hear this.....🎶))

Thank you so much!!     

also LMAAOO omg its tail is so loud???  Now I'mma just be imagining dràcait tails making thump noises like that too LOL   

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You got it, thank you!  I've put your name down for them and will be PMing you for payment details in just a moment.   

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Thank you so much!  I've got them down as yours and will PM you with payment info in just a moment! :D