UPDATE: THE PSA HAS BEEN DELETED. If anything else comes up, I urge you to let me know. i will be keeping the bulletin up in case whoever behind the spigot account or the psa returns.

trigger warning regarding bullshit regarding proship content and rape

first off,
i don't fucking know who spigot is.
my alter perry does not know who spigot is.
we have never talked on discord, twitter, or instagram.

more importantly, i am not a fucking proshipper. in fact, i fucking loathe proshippers and urge them to fuck off for they are the bane of my existence, making the many things that have traumatized me and so many others look like a fucking joke.

i have been informed a psa was made on me regarding proship content [rape primarily] and harassment made against this person. everything in this post, however, is fake. the screenshots are all fake, every claim is fake, and i have everything in hand to counter these false claims.

these are all screenshots provided for the claims of being harassed online by me.image06.jpg?v=c0408776image07.jpg?v=c0408776image08.jpg?v=c0408776


my alter, an introject of my oc perry, is involved, as well.

this is my instagram account. i have two others, @nothingsdiary & @15andbroke.

these are all my dms on maybejust0nce, my main.image.pngimage.pngimage.pngnot once is anyone by the name "spigot", "flood", or "ligma.txt", their apparent discord username, mentioned in my dms.
the screenshots of my "harassment" would not have been called for by anything, this is evident by how i have no fucking clue who this is, neither has this conversation ever happened.

as for perry's twitter account in the screenshot, it isn't real, as well.
this is his account. he's been private for as long as i remember, because he never fucking liked talking to people. it's always been used as a private diary of sorts.image.pnghis former usernames are _MRSOBAMA and donnieswhore. i do believe there was one other, but i cannot remember it at this time.

neither spellings of his alleged account exist on twitter.image.png?width=1044&height=1034image.png?width=916&height=1034

on the screenshot of per telling this person to kill themselves, 
this account does not exist, neither has it ever existed.

if this person has had enough of a presence for me or perry to be talking to them, they'd potentially have many other people who have replied to their tweets, which could have shown up in the aforementioned search.

my friend is compiling technical evidence of these screenshots being fake, since you people apparently can't look into faked screenshots properly. i will update with the link once he is finished.

these are screenshots provided for the proship claims.image10.jpg?v=a64c2802image11.jpg?v=6a63736f

i am not in any way in contact with this person. we have never met, nor discussed prayers or works associated with it.
this fic regarding perry raping francine does not fucking exist, neither is it something i would have the vile desire to write.
this is especially disgusting to me regarding perry [the character] had been sexually assaulted prior to the story.
to desecrate my work, a critique of the negligence of society and a memoir of traumatic experiences is completely appalling.
whoever came up with this sick joke, you should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

additionally "korny", someone who claims i associate with its abuser, is in fact the abuser of my friend. he may choose to elaborate on this, or he may not. it is not in my place to do so, but i definitely do have the right to call out its fucking bullshit.

this is all i have to say about the fake evidence made up against me, i will update if more comes out. keep in mind that none of this is real and everything is fake. it should be common sense to question everything, even if it is counted as "evidence."


bro what the huh?!? this is ridiculous im so sorry this happened!! :( I got messaged about it and instantly knew it was super sus and I don't even really know you that well at all. plus the link was gone by the time I checked that message but I just saw this. I can't believe people do this kinda stuff still like jeez. :( 

yo holy shit you;re the dude who drew perry that one time

but anyway yeah i do Not fucking understand it at all like genuinely Why. i have like one suspect on who might've been behind the whole thing since the accounts involved [spigot & mspa] are completely empty but even then like what the hell would this person want with me  . i am trying to write nin anime girl fanfiction leave me alone!!!!!!!

yes tis me, but yeah i dont understand either and i really am sorry man. at least you have a suspect so you have an idea of who's doing it  and hopefully this is the end of this shit  cause this sucks so much!! 

I'm really sorry you had to go through this, disgusting to see how much awful shit people are willing to do to drag others' names in the mud (including making up all of the evidence??!?) I'm glad it's taken down, and I hope no more follow-up shit happens :/

thank you gene i appreciate it a lot . i'm just sick and tired this is literally the third time it's happened but thank fuck i had what i had to disprove everything

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anyway you;re so sweeeeet <:-] i'm should draw my favorite pair of wives too now that i think about i have been lacking in perfran content

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fr though thanks for letting me know and for the subsequent help . you're a real homie

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