I have a bby that I want to buy qwq but since I can't have PayPal I'm open to art commissions for you buying the character for me ^^

The price is 200€ and I'm ok to draw 2halfs with simple bg for that sum (example : https://toyhou.se/16806510.art-in-trade-for-characters/gallery#57536340

Or 1 fullbody without a bg + headshot/simple chibi (it can be a smol reference sheet if you need one :з example: https://toyhou.se/16806510.art-in-trade-for-characters/gallery#47141812

If you're interested please comment and I'll note you with character link ^^


I'd be interested in getting two halfbodies for the 200€ character!

It's pretty late here & I may fall asleep but if you're able to ask the person who has the character to hold it until I get up to pay, I am 100% down to get it for you!

Sure, thank you ^^ they allow holds in auction info :з so I'll send you a link on them right away!