Help lmao

Posted 1 year, 20 days ago by OxyMoxy

You guys I seriously cannot stand the lineart process I hate it so much and I would just completely skip it if my art didn't look like absolute shit without it but it takes me hours (if not days) and I'm getting so sick of it that I've been avoiding finishing art

Anyone got some tips or tricks that can help me out here? I'm gonna seriously need some to finish up some owed art and personal projects



youve got a super clean lineart style that looks great, but also lends itself to perfectionism (in my case, at least!) what i did was test out other brushes, namely ones with more texture to them. for some reason for me it helped me feel like slightly messier lineart was still good so i didnt need to go in and fix every little point to be perfectly sharp lmao. 

ive also seen people who actually do the coloring first, and then go back over for the lines. ive never tried it but its worth a shot!

either way good luck, hope u get over the block soon o7

ty I also was told about going with color first and then lines so I might try that. If it doesn't work out then I'll start trying out other brushes