Commissions OPEN

Posted 1 year, 4 days ago by Radou

   Commissions Page   

I'm finally doing commissions aaaaaaa

[no time limit validity]

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edit: I'm very unfamiliar with this domain, sorry if I sound kinda awkward,,,


Can i buy a flat halfbody?

Sure ! Which character would you like ?

My gal right here!

I can draw them yeah ! I'll send you a sketch asap for your approval ^^ 



skkslskddkdkd you don't have to hurry aaaaaaaa 


aaa your art is so cute

think you can do a flat fullbody of IC?


Sorry I'm not sure what IC stands for 👉👈

IC means in character. you see at the top of comments it says "OOC" (out of character) and then when you select an oc you says "IC" (in character)

its usually used for roleplaying but is good at quickly linking an oc

Ooooh I didn't know ! thank you aaaaa sure I can do a fullbody for ya, I send you a sketch asap !

Oooh commissions- I only have usd rn ;w;
I know she does have any real reference yet but you can use this one for colors pick / in my own style
I do have a small idea for the pose, but feel free to change it to your style- wings are like hawk's wings pattern-wise! (does a base color but it's not super defined, if you ever want a more detailed wings refs tell me i will sketch smth quickly-)
Since she can be drawn as a faun it's fine- hfjsh
The outfits can be found on the shop! Beanie / Varsity bomber / shirt (logo can be either red or gold as i have both irl) for the pants i guess a simple blue-ish jean should be fine- jkfdjs

ooo what a cute character !

You'd like a fullbody, right ? 👀 

did i forgot to say that?? jfgdj yeah! and thanks! i came up with the design not long ago- i still struggle with humans

I just wanted to be sure dkdjdjj it's fine👍 

I will start the sketch and send it to you for approval asap!

Aaaah j'ai pas encore mes aides donc je suis toujours pauvre 😔 Un jour peut-être 😭

En attendant je te souhaite bon courage pour tes commissions ✨

Aussi je te conseille de poster sur Instagram avec des # si jamais tu veux plus de visibilité :0

Aaaaaa merci 💚

Pour le moment j'essaie pas spécialement d'avoir de la visibilité, vu que j'ai mes rattrapages dans deux semaines 😔 Mais je ferais sûrement un petit post sur insta apres !

Bon courage, je partagerais le post insta dès que je le verrais hehe <3

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aaaa thank you for considering 💚💚💚