Staff Applications

Posted 1 year, 5 days ago by Crash_Pilot

Windows finally opening Admin applications? More likely than you think.(Finally)

I'm opening the admin applications, cause I've set up enough that my work should be at least semi-coherent. So I'm looking for admins/mods- staff in general!
Primarly I'm looking for help with handling processing(daily actions, farmland, that sort of thing), and setting up events.

So uh- if anyone's interested, leave a ittle message on this with the form ig
I really did not wanna deal with formatting this to pardon this absolute mess of a bulletin

Username : 

Have You Worked With RPGs/Similiar Before(NOT A REQUIREMENT DW) : 

Anything Specific you are looking to help with?(Processing, Writing, Art, Moderation, ect) : 

If you have a cat can you add a picture of them(cats are cool :] ) : 


Username : Just_A_Hooman64

Have You Worked With RPGs/Similiar Before(NOT A REQUIREMENT DW) :  Not in this format! This would be my first rodeo with a forum based RPG, however I have mild experience with rps in general

Anything Specific you are looking to help with?(Processing, Writing, Art, Moderation, ect) : I would be able to help with processing (Which I'm guessing is the responses to player actions) as well as art! I could also help with moderation though I'm not sure what that would entail specifically

If you have a cat can you add a picture of them(cats are cool :] ) : I have a ton I could share of my cat, here's one for now :3


Username : Magicalartprince

Have You Worked With RPGs/Similiar Before: While I've modded a lot of general servers and such this is my first time actually getting involved with an RPG

Anything Specific you are looking to help with?: I'd be happy with anything, but I normally do art! I'd also probably do well in modding!! :) 

If you have a cat can you add a picture of them: Not mine but my aunts :))ocdwex-Zs21WmLduUfEMFFy7fOa4hrcF5QM_84bk

Username: tommocoast

Have You Worked With RPGs/Similar Before: Nope, this is my first proper time

Anything Specific: I think I'd work well with the art and writing side of things!

Cat: No :[

Username : mio777

Have You Worked With RPGs/Similiar Before(NOT A REQUIREMENT DW) : I've had my fair share of roleplaying in online chats as a tween lol... Most recently I've played a couple browser-based RPG sims, as well as some other video-game RPing! Definitely wouldn't consider myself a veteran tho, more like a seasoned dabbler lmfao

Anything Specific you are looking to help with?(Processing, Writing, Art, Moderation, ect) : Honestly i'd love to be involved in the art/writing side of things! I've played SDV to completion several times over and i'd say im pretty knowledgeable on the lore! 

If you have a cat can you add a picture of them(cats are cool :] ) : his name is matt

ok he's not exactly my cat but he's my best friends cat so technically he's my cat..

A few have been selected! Anyone who wasn't accepted- Don't worry! Your applications can still be accepted in the future! (I'm just selecting a few to help with some things)

Anyone interested in applying still- You can still send in applications! 

Slipper lobsters <3

Username : maletears

Have You Worked With RPGs/Similiar Before(NOT A REQUIREMENT DW) : I haven't, but I was pretty active in the Tumblr roleplaying community a few years back and once moderated a roleplay group there! It wasn't for long but I learnt the basics of moderating RPGs.

Anything Specific you are looking to help with?(Processing, Writing, Art, Moderation, etc) : Moderation and processing would be preferable but I can help with writing every now and again too.

Username : hxmllock

Have You Worked With RPGs/Similiar Before(NOT A REQUIREMENT DW) : Unfortunately no, but I have a lot of free time (summer break for college) and would love to learn!

Anything Specific you are looking to help with?(Processing, Writing, Art, Moderation, ect) : I'd probably do best with processing and art to start out, but I wouldn't mind doing other tasks ^^

If you have a cat can you add a picture of them(cats are cool :] ) : I have a small dog named peanut 🥜, no cats :(

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Hopefully these tags are all right

K3NNY Feliiness Cumber youworld 3VA HoneyedNeppy scoresilver FaiMynth MagicMilkerz hxmllock maletears dinercat Syalis Iorori BuildingBridges WAYF1ND3R pendraconic n64bug PoyoboxMasterson mrs SalSethoover996 Magicalartprince

You all answered +possibly help out in the bulletin thing for the Stardew Valley World, so I pulled your users to ping. I apologize if any of ya'll get double pinged, don't get pinged, don't want to be pinged- I dunno

Staff applications for the Stardew Valley word is open, if you're interested in applying :]