Concerning Nerilaux Owners

Posted 4 years, 9 days ago by Buruchii

These past few months I've been personally worldbuilding for my main OC's, Gabriel and Laurent for fun

And then I realized I should also share some concepts to other Nerilaux owners if you guys are even interested slkdfgsg//// You don't have to follow this canon or anything but this is basically the aesthetic I thought of for this world— feel free to follow this concept if you like, I hope you like it! T_T

also please don't mind the bad art... I really tried to do backgrounds AHAHAH

learn more about Nerilaux here

The Map 






they're all look wonderful buru! im sure the owners will be delighted *w*

NIKUUUUUUUUUU AHHHHHHH YOURE TOO SWEET THANK YOU u___u <3333333333333333333333333 lemme give u sum hugs ya