oc questions!!

Posted 1 year, 15 days ago by HexHaunt

main oc/sona : rhys my beloved mefox love her the riss

favorite oc : rhys... favoritism i only ever buy comms of my queen

oc with the most images : the actual answer would be peachi but shes retired so ill give it to derry

biggest achieved dreamie : DERRY AGAIN!! i am so normal about both It (2017) and red/black designs i am so so normal i do not need every single one i see

favorite designer(s) : RIAGARAS oh my god they use so much red and black and make so many clown ocs i am IN LOVE and also scootioz i pray to god I can own a scootioz design one day

newest oc : my queen babygirl Эхо im learning russian so i made her to force myself to pronounce things correctly and also shes. cool

oldest oc : the mahiiiii i have a couple other ocs that are older than her but i believe i've had her the longest

oc with the most lore : im so bad at keeping track of my writing but i'd say it's a tie between winnie and jack bc they have the same story

oc with the most favorites : ....rhys again BUT i don't count her bc I've hosted raffles where people favorite her SO im giving it to frank pop and cola

most expensive oc : i honestly havent spent that much on an oc in one go in a while, but peachi is definitely worth the most bc of the fursuit. however, im picking mahi bc she was a chimereon myo + a bunch of special traits and super cute art|

oc that needs more love : ALL OF MY RIAGARAS DESIGNS RAHHHH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH BUT IVE TOTALLY NEGLECTED THEIR STORY guys im coming back for u i promise...


also credits to RadioRabbit for being cool i steal all these fun bulletin ideas from him

And I steal them from everyone else ❤️