Name Change - GoodBye Sanres.Day..

Posted 1 year, 6 days ago by Onethy

Estou trocando de nome em todas as redes sociais, quero ver se consigo sair do fundo do poço, quero deixa memorias ruins para tras, Sanres me acompanhou por alguns anos quando pensei em posta arte na internet.. mas comecei a me acorrentar com esse nome e fica com medo de suja-lo e fiquei com medo de posta coisas por jugamento, "Onethy" sera diferente.. parece besteira mas me doeu muito essa decição.. talvez ela não dure mas quero experimentar mudar e melhorar minha vida, obrigada por ler! tenha um bom dia.

(Translation by Google) I'm changing my name on all social networks, I want to see if I can get out of rock bottom, I want to leave bad memories behind, Sanres accompanied me for a few years when I thought of posting art on the internet... but I started to chain myself with that name and I'm afraid of getting it dirty and I was afraid of posting things by judgment, "Onethy" will be different.. it seems silly but this decision hurts a lot.. maybe it won't last but I want to try to change and improve my life, thanks for reading! have a good day.


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