TLDR and trigger free: I'm gonna be busy, but I plan on working on commissions and owed work. That being said, I want to do some little stress free trades between all that to warm up and just kind of unwind.

If you want to trade, let me do my half first please. I don't want more on my plate due to everything going on.

you can take long as you want for your half, I'll try to ping you after a couple weeks though.

I'm only doing sketches like these rn, but they can be animated if you want. lmk if you want a single color backing to make them pop I can do this on animations too no problem.

These are the characters I want art of 

Oh! also if I owe you art and you haven't heard from me in a bit, DM me please and I'll add you to my queue and get back to you ASAP. I don't want to leave anyone hanging.


Long version: (Trigger warning: Bad mental health stuff mainly depression and medication )

I've had a lot of bad stuff happen over the past couple months and it's taken a toll on my mental health. It's reached a point that I'm going to be in and out of one of my local mental health clinic over the next idk how long really. But I'm gonna be okay. I'm getting my medication resorted, getting help, and trying to pick up the shattered pieces of my life.

A part of this is me getting back to everyone I owe work to. So I'm going to be making it a priority. That being said, It might be a little slow going as I have a new job, family obligations, and I'm going to be in and out of the hospital. 

If you want details or even just want to talk about your own issues, you can DM me. It can be hard to deal with stuff alone. I might not be able to offer much help, but sometimes you just have to vent.

It might seem kind of silly to do trades when I'm dealing with all this, but sometimes seeing a funny little picture of your character can really make your day just a bit better. I want to do that for people.

I am so thankful for everyone who's read this. Thank you for your time and your support, and things do get better. I promise.


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Thank you so much man! I really appreciate your well wishes. I think I might save up some of that motivation for AF, I'm Attack to hit people this year! (also Awwooooo I wanna be team werewolf, haha)

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