
Posted 4 years, 1 month ago by FaeryBread


Any characters in the free folder are free to take! Unless your someone I talk to often and I know, I'll only let three characters go to 1 person at a time. Please don't use them for trade fodder.


Don't offer on characters in this folder! They're pending to another user.


All characters in this folder I'm looking to sell. Willing to haggle a bit, or have add-ons.

Trade: No Currency 

I cannot trade any characters in here for points/usd/any currency. Looking for art of my characters on Lunsyy, myos to CS I'm currently active in, or premade characters.

Trade: With Currency 

I can trade characters here with points, but I'm looking for for a trade or sale. Points + add-on > Art > Myos > Premade ocs.

Waiting Room

I'm not sure what folder these characters can go into yet, so I'm looking around. If your interested in a character here please dm me.


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