Possible ToyHouse Purge?

Posted 1 year, 4 days ago by EndlessSketch

Heyo! First time trying to figure out Bulletins-
BUT I am getting close to 2k characters on my main account (not including storage account characters!) so Im thinking of doing a TH Purge to decrease my numbers a bit ;-;
Ofc characters will have prices- so if you're interested just pop their link and I'll tell you if I plan to get rid of them and how much!
You can also find my storage account here! EndlessError !

Anyone in Mains/Secondary are off limits, any designs from Mossfeather, Everythingbagels, and Bloom/A_Human are off-limits !
(note some other artists designs are also off limits!! But I forgot their users oop )


This user's account has been closed.

Yup, I'll let you know the prices and if im willing to part with them 

First cat is a freebie, since that is how I received em! So if you  want them I can transfer them over to you!

Second cat, since you sent the image itself Im not sure if you want both of the kits I own, I do not own the farthest left, but I am willing to resell both of them for the same price I got them for (looking for that) or for a trade of a character

Final link, Wigeonpaw, is not for sale/trade sorry! <3

Okie no biggie ^^
for the second link I meant the blue, black and white cat plz how much would you like 

Either 50 DA points or a trade, if you wanna do points send them to my main account EndlessSketch on DeviantArt! (Link should be on my page)

Ok sent ^^

both are pending ! <3
lemme know if any others catch your eye!

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