EO on entire Toyhouse!!

Posted 10 months, 13 days ago by CyberGalaxie

Yeah you heard me. Entire.

Mainly seeking for resell/USD since I did a stupid and spent 120SGD on movie tickets ☠️ 

Was it worth it? Yes. Do I regret it? Also yes. awdklawj, looking to at least get 70USD or at least get most of my money back OOF

Also I have merchandises that includes ORV, Genshin, Elsword, Detective Conan, Cosplays and etc for sell too here in case if ever interested! But anywho, if you see any characters that catches your interest, let me know!

My girlfriend is also helping me by selling her characters here too! 


Would you be willing to part from Agate or is he still your comfort? I rather ask before I actually make an offer to you ^^"

Agate is already on hold for someone unfortunately! (ノД`)

Ah alright ;w;