Heavy Purge, moving accounts soon.

Posted 10 months, 24 days ago by TiaCakes

I want a fresh start in terms of art and characters. I will be leaving all closed species (most likely) If you want any character of mine. Offer here or on said character. Money will be the first priority on the characters if they have it. Decent quality art as a second. NO CHARACTER SWAPS PLEASE!! I'm trying to narrow it down.
For closed species, the species I have are: Faerings, Grottolings, and Beblunes. Each group has their own respective rules, please follow them.
If years ago I promised to give you a character if I ever fell out of love with them- please remind me. And don't bullshit me.
Looking for:

  • Money if a price is listed.
  • Next would be art. Of a decent quality.
  • Characters would be a last resort if not a no.
  • Don't be afraid to negotiate and combine offers. I'm a open person.
  • Lastly, I will sort the existing character into three or four folders. 
  • Keeping, Sell/OBO, Art Trades, Make an Offer, and Closed Species. Each will be explained in the respective folder.
  • For art offers. Human/humanoid is preferred overall. Second is anthro or animal art. Third would be pony.
  • Offer in the character comments.
  • On the bulletin comments.
  • DM me on TH or Discord. 
  • discord: tiacakess

Life has changed me since the prime art days I was in. I no longer have the need for a 130+ characters. From this moment on I want to grow as a person, as much as it hurt I had to leave the lives of friends I cherished due to my mental health. And for that I'm sorry- I really am. I hope you can forgive me. I still think of you but I know its better off that we don't rekindle outside of business.
To all my other friends I disappeared from I am sorry for that too. I grew to dislike deviant art but and then vanished all together from it. Drew art without posting it, but even then I had a 2 year long art block. From being asked for freebies and only drawing for money I stopped loving art and turned to video games which as of now I play too much of.
I'm doing okay so don't worry about me. And thank you for taking your time to read this and consider offers.


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