
Posted 11 months, 2 days ago by SilentEclipseMods

1) Be nice to each other: a community can only thrive if we are all nice to each other, please be kind to your fellow users!

2) You must be 13+ to participate in SER

3) Please alert a mod when your username changes so we can update your inventory

4) No porn of any kind. Suggestive stuff is allowed as long as its spoilered properly (it is NOT allowed in the discord server at all)

5) No stealing characters or art from users (co-owning is fine)

6) Please do not rush mods, we have lives outside of the internet

7) All Characters must have Warrior esc names however you're allowed to have kitty pet esc names as well!

We work as a three strike system! You get 1 warning, 1 temporary ban, then 1 permanent ban


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