—✦ terms of service.

Posted 11 months, 24 days ago by vnk

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i n t r o .

helohelo, y'all already known that my name is vnk or riot, yadda yadda.. but it has come to my attention that i needed these. my past designs has been privated or deleted without consent, so i'm kinda annoyed at this point upon contacting them directly and getting ghosted. basic reminder that if any of these rules have been broken, you are automatically blacklisted. you may make an appeal to me, but it's under my conditions to do so or not. thank you!! :D

n a v i g a t i o n


commissioner MUST pay upfront. If i am unable to continue a commission, you have the rights to be informed and a full refund. this does NOT COUNT when i am in the process of doing so; if you wish on a refund upon finishing, i have the rights to ignore and possibly blacklist you.

i have the rights to decline a commission or a character to be drawn. It's either that i am uncomfortable or unable to draw them in terms of stylistic choice.

put the worth of my art as exactly as what i've priced. if i notice anyone overpricing or lowballing my art without consent, this is an automatic blacklist and the unability to commission me in the future.

the above rule also counts in my art i had offered in other reasons. such as freebie, raffles, trades or offers; the automatic price is set to $0 aka free.

will do/don't(s)

♡ ferals (mainly cats)

♡ humans

♡ anthropomorphic

♡ dragons

♡ horror/uncanny

? heavy/mild gore

? suggestive

? dark themes

× nsfw

× pedophilia

× hateful/offending art

× literally problematic shit

! feel free to ask :]


for the love of god- do not private or delete ANY of my designs! i would like to see updates and what you are personally doing with them! i will not know what you had done, and it's uncomfortable. please authorize me if you really want to keep things private!

notify me in every transfer of the design + reasons. this is the most basic rule, please remember.

don't use my designs inappropriately, such as nsfw or porn. i am a literal minor. if i have so happen to check in and see that; it'll be awkward, especially with the fact that i am a ferals designer..

please use them decently, do not leave them unused. any lack of activity will be noticed by me, and i may have the action to confiscate with refund or offers ^^

i have the rights to revoke my designs, especially when the rules above is broken (minus transfers) or the user is actively problematic!


♡ usd via paypal

♡ dreamie(s)

♡ th premium

♡ art(s)

? trade(s)

? nitro

? robux

+ can't think of something, feel free to ask

Code by Aurorean


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