I don't know, I just thought it would be fun to show all the initial sketches I did for the character I've designed for other people on this site. I will try my best with doing in order from oldest to newest but I may slip up.

Spoiler due to length cause, christ, it is gonna be long.

Sketches for this design(ignore the red blob doodle, I got bored). I don't exactly remember why I changed it from a werewolf to whatever it is now but It might just be because I thought it would look scarier that way.


Staker MAN, first design made on the design a pokemon character thread so I have a stupid amount of fondness for this one. Many focused on the clothes and was gonna design a stakeboard for the guy, however, as you can see, I am not good at it.


Cotton Candy Sheep, the drawings around the mega ampharos are for my own characters(one of them being the initial sketch for Bleriot). I was gonna have the orbs be jawbreaker-like but switched to cherries.


Lugia/Sharpedo Fusion, I had so many ideas for this one for some reason. I was inspired by planes, flying fish and the fact that they(flying fish) couldn't actually fly, hince the larger sketch being a psychic/water type(I thought of it using its psychic powers to shoot itself out of the water to catch prey). Eagles and falcons were the main base for the sketch on the right, which is why I thought of it as a flying type. 


Airplane Goodra, this one, while with a more singular base, I've also had a lot of ideas for. For some dumb reason, when using latias as the base for the fusion, I referenced birds and planes instead of the actual pokémon itself(no wonder they look so goofy). Using goodra instead, I thought about scpkid's airplane dragon and they ended up being the main idea basis for the final design. For a good while, I thought that was my best pokémon design.70A98C7F-5F20-4042-B214-548B3A3DDE74.jpg45DD1275-C5DD-4128-9ED7-76C856CB42B8.jpg

Swamp Lich Dragon, damn did I have a completely different idea for this one at first. Something about cabincore, it was originally gonna be a horror dragon that mimicked cabins and forest floors. I liked the body shape but I felt that having a roof cover its eyes looked too... goofy? Also drawing it was hell so I slowly switched to a swamp dwelling beast. Cabincore_Dragon_Ideas.pngCabincore_Dragon_Idea_2.png

Rooster [the placeholder name had another noun to it but I forgot what it was], the only thing that I actually changed about this to the final design was the original colour idea. Man, I was thinking of colouring it like a budgie, then I thought I was better off having the colours only be a little different to the canon dodrio design with bits of domesticated birds like chickens.


Tropical Penguin, this one I really like just because of how all of my ideas and inspiration for it works to make a pretty funky little guy(or in the owner's case, a pretty funky little species of pokémon). Nothing much has changed from the sketches below, just mixed and matched some ideas for the face into the final design.IMG_0559.jpg

Deino Friend, once again, the few changes I made from these sketches to the final design was the posing and the shape of the crest. Also some pattern changes as I was gonna have the triangular spot go all around the body(expect the tail, head, wings and feet) but that would look pretty weird and distracting so it only being on the bottom tips of the fur neck, to me at least, looked cleaner.


Pumpkin Pie, my idea was originally not as fun and innocent as the final design with cubone's lore and all that. I thought of the HTTYD's boneknapper and how it made it's armour out of bones, that didn't look as good as thought it did, it's especially obvious here. I also thought of daimyo hermitaur's design with its shell being a monoblos' skull. I wanted the skull to resemble a pokémon(keywords: a pokémon), so I referenced dragonite's skeleton for the skull. Didn't super groove with that one(a shame really) so I decided to get rid of the bone being on the back altogether. 


Ice Witch, holy shit, my personal favourite pokemon design made so far! The idea and fusion was so good that I didn't even have to stray that far from the initial sketch and I only did one draft cause it was too solid of a draft to do a second one.


Funny Guy, this was around the time when I found MSPaint too limiting of a program to do first drafts on. I switched to using my main art program, Firealpaca, for the sketch and it made the final design easier cause I didn't have to reference colourless doodles this time. Drawing fire on a mon is a new one for me but I enjoyed it! I added an eyebrow piercing to the finished design just to make it more pokesona-ly, plus it looks cool.


Sand Puppy... sand puppy.yuubvujiujbibj_i.png

Honourable mentions for the two designs I've made for a couple of design trades, both of these I showed to the people I was trading and, both times, I got feedback from which was pretty hype.

Swiss Roll Rockruff was the first design I did where the first draft was done on Firealpaca instead of MSPaint. It sure did make a difference as I ended up finishing the final design a lot quicker then I thought I would. The on the left, cute guy, will probably be redesigned(or redrawn) and turned into an adopt.Swiss_Roll_Doggies.png

Da Destroyer, that was the file name I gave it. The second one was the one I actually showed to the user that I was trading with. The first one was a rough sketch for a slightly-less rough sketch, what is wrong with me. Anyways, they asked for some colour edits with this one which helped a lot. Like damn, what an ugly shade of white/grey, what they wanted was so much better and made for a much cleaner-looking design.


Not gonna update this for every new design I make for a forum game, I'll probably just make a new bulletin when I make a significant amount of designs after now.


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