me being a dingus

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by vurd

ill just last minute everything on the last day of june he said

it will be fine he said

BRUH IDK HOW IM GONNA DO THIS PRAY FOR MY SOUL BOYS i need to bullshit a decent ref for indi that has his arms and face so ppl can draw him and i need to add last minute things to spider-freaks ref and i need to update thie4r info with all the lore i came upwith And i need to save some characters ibn my bookmarks ahead of time to prepare for the rush in the first few days where the site is p much unusable and THAt would be great and all if the site wasnt being slow already and i have a busy day today!!!!!!!!!!! i am mental i am gonna have to pull some superhuman bs

but yeh ill make a regualr bulletin abt artfight tommrow u know the drill attack my guy indi i will owe you my life forever

OH also i plan to draw my spidey with others spideys so keep that in mind ig idk


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