i made a xenogender :o

Posted 10 months, 26 days ago by lagomoth

ive been looking for a label for a while but nothing felt quite right and i had several friends point out i can just make my own!

i am very heavily connected to the end from minecraft and im also an ender dragon therian. none of the endgenders out there really applied to me so finally i went and sat down and made myself a xenogender


couple variants

i call it endraconic
a heavy connection to the mc end, mostly feeling some sort of internal connection
can be considered inclusive of any end based mob, for me personally its the enderdragon

the dark grey stripe is a connection to the ender dragon, purple is just general connection to the end, inclusive of any mob at the persons disgression white is for all versions of identities the teal its the freedom fluidity of the ender pearl, like how you can find them in any dimension, how they take you anywhere black is for absence of gender.

its a nonbinary/fluid label :]

ive been on a huge mission of self discovery this year and ive struggled with internalizing that i identify with xenos because when i was first learning about trans identities i was surrounded by transmeds and truscum so i thought that this stuff was wrong. i am very happy for everyone with confidence to hoard labels and make their own and i hope this first step in my own creation of a personal label i can feel more confident identifying with xenos 


hell yeah! i recently made a special catboy flag for myself , you can view it here if you want to :
I love the colours on yours!

HECK YEAH!!! i love the colors on it!

tysm!! hehe >:3

ender gender

theres a couple ender gender variants but i didnt feel like any of them were quite right for me! so i made my own

identities sure are somthin,

love minecraft with my whole soul ♥